THE THIRD MILLENIUM PSY-TECHNOLOGIES                               

Or Secret of a Philosophical Rock                
part 1               
''FIVE STREAMS TO ONE''                



Is of interest to consider the problem on WEIGHT of space - time! How there was it immensly leaky, in the set represents a part general and IS OPPOSED immensly small and immensly dense! In that degree, in what we can ESTIMATE all weight installed, you we can ESTIMATE weight of space - time: this same! The found estimation will correspond also to weight immensly dense with the same error: their sizes are equal! By estimating weight, by estimating radius, in which this weight is made, it is possible to define - already more precisely, with a much smaller error! / density of space!

On the one hand, weight immensly large is equal to the sum of weights immensly small:

MIL=IL*eIS    / 1 / ?

Question here for the reason, that, on the other hand, in "ISP" - "TUESDA", otherwise WHOLE, COMPLETE! Otherwise THE SUM both immensly dense, and immensly leaky!

eIL+IL*eIL=eIS    / 2 /


eIL=-(IL-I)*eIS    / 3 /

Where IL - immesured large, but CONCRETE /! / number, number all "ISP"! That is, at equal modular importance of weights, set "ISP" and the spaces - time have a DIFFERENT MARK!!! Weight of space - time - IS NEGATIVE!!!

Therefore formula (1) / also IS NOT CORRECT! Except for a mark, the weights differ for one unit "ISP": particular, but not contemptible, and MOST IMPORTANT!

The formula (2) shows, that in result " last clapping ", when all contradictions will be solved, will take place "ANNIHILATION" of weights and remain... One "ISP" with weight of one particle: immensly small! Strange, there was an incalculable set "TUESDA", and there is ONE? Or also was, and there is ONE? But in set of the displays? By looking on " FIVE FLOWS... " And equation (3), namely, on factor

(IL-1)     / 4 /

Understand, that the INCALCULABLE SET concerns to the CONTRADICTIONS!

Namely, THEM on unit it is less, than "ISP"!!! That with mathematical accuracy corresponds to quantity of communications - contradictions creating in immensly the large ILLUSION immesurebility of "ISP": it - ONE, SAME in EACH point three-dimensional space - time! More correct, in each point - OUTPUT to "TUESDA"!!!

Here also it turns out, that at last clapping any FIRDT-EXPOSION WILL NOT BE, "simply" there will be one "ISP" - "TUESDA", and all rest - " a SOAP BUBBLE "! If, certainly, there will be NO NEW or OTHER will - verb, with THAT or OTHER LAW, as found us can be only by VARIANT from set others! THE WILL "TUESDA" - is inscrutable!..

In other light now shows as "defect" of weight! It appears, and it follows from "flows", that parallel . with resolution of conflicts, there is denying SET, i.e. part of weight of space annihilates " with a part of weights "ISP "! One contradiction - one " ISP "! When the weights are commensurable, everyone "grain " - on the account, and for it " is insulting ": the matter DISAPPEARS!

Then also explosions of neutron stars look a little differently! At "clapping" of a nucleus of a star the part of weight, and significant, DISAPPEARS! In the arisen EMPTINESS - there there is no even a space - time! / space - time and then, from within, return wave and with VOLUMETRIC EFFECT rushes from and through space - time of components a star of parts itself, breaks off a star on components of its part!

However, also it is not everything, that to us the formula (4) can tell! You see of combinations of interaction "ISP", shown in quantity (4) will be

(IL-1)!    / 5 /

What it means? And that by this number is expressed quantityof WAYS of resolution of conflicts. Return size -

I / (IL-1)!    / 6 /

- Size, degree of definiteness for "TUESDA" at its influence on CHAOS as a whole. This means, that its influence - dot, through individual in limits finded degree of definiteness! Is interesting and the size is indicative

I - I / (IL-1)!    / 7 /

It is a degree of freedom or inertness of particles at the moment of complete denying "TUESDA"! I.e. in that degree, in which particle were allocated freedom of actions, "TUESDA" is connected itself with UNLIBERTY! If "TUESDA" all the section to the displays and antidisplays, with what has remained itself? At it remained MAIN: the LAW which is constant at any situations, and pulse - invincible WILL! Having eternity, which has remained AT it(him), sending a pulse behind a pulse, step by step ESTABLISHES THE SELF, showing greatness of a PLAN even at such monstrous, created by it, conditions! Also it is visible, that in process of REDUCTION of size " at the expense of resolution of conflicts and " of defect " of weights, freedom of parts decreases, the INERTIA of weights and is increased influencely of PULSES "TUESDA "! As if to the man, it we shall touch hardly later, when we shall examine WILL as manifestation of TRUE.
