THE THIRD MILLENIUM PSY-TECHNOLOGIES                               

Or Secret of a Philosophical Rock                
part 1               
''FIVE STREAMS TO ONE''                



Above we spoke about COMMON. Now we shall consider that general, but through more individual"flows", everyone.

TRUE -> Through the increasing contradictions -> CHAOTIC INFORMATION FIELD -> Through knowledge, ordering, resolution of conflicts -> TRUE

In the given circuit of an arrow specify a GENERAL direction occurring - and you ALWAYS will find to this CONFIRMATION in practice! / at WILL and LAW "TUESDA" of processes! The left part - BEGINNING, first part toof place LONG LONG AGO of processes, about what up to us the FRAGMENTS of the information with "outsides" installed reach only! At one time, through incorporated in quantity (- 1) contradictions, the CHAOS from information quantums, which through ordering in this chaos connected to the sanction of the same quantity of the contradictions IN PARTS / was created!/ They moves to the apogee - TRUE! Whether the movement in the RETURN party is possible? In special cases it not only is possible, but also occurs, but thus in the wider plan the movement proceeds WITHOUT delays! For example, blowing up, the neutron star DESTROYS up to neutrons all EXTERNAL environment, but thus at the centre the black hole " is formed ", that in VOLUME contains LESS contradictions, otherwise VOLUMETRIC integral of the contradictions installed IS LESS than ZERO! Willows that time, in some limited areas the quantity of the contradictions GROWS, in some - decreases! But to come to "TUESDA" through the non-authorized contradictions EVEN it CAN NOT, the man with the knowledge only will get lost in this fantasmagory of the contradictions! In a context told the role of KNOWLEDGE, role of availability it for all clears up! The refusal of process of knowledge, as well as obstacle IS OPPOSITE to it, - WILL "TUSDA", there is a display of CHAOS, which by invincible WILL is suppressed!

Let's proceed now to a FLOW "UNIFORM".

UNITED -> trough destruction, increasing splitting, individual in common -> PART /PARTICULARS/ -> Through the increasing merge, association intercrossings, interrelations, common in individual -> UNITED

Keeping general with TRUE a direction of processes, this flow explains AS there is a realization of WILL And LAW. The left part, again, - "beginning" of process. Through SPLITTING on inconsistent particles the transition general in individual was realized. By denying of denying through association and merge of a part again find unity. On an example of a neutron star we have mentioned process DESTRUCTION, which accompanies with process of ASSOCIATION /capsule-nucleus/. As well as in first "flow", here INDIVIDUAL displays, in the contradiction GENERAL, can proceed like against WILL and LAW, but in volume of ALL events accompanying the examined phenomenon, general WILL and LAW are not broken: volumal integral installed again is less than zero!

But, probably, this testifies, what to UNIFORM is possible to come through destruction in some limited space? Yes, WILL and LAW compensate ours ignorance, but in our ZONE OF INHABITANCE, among our chaos and dissociation we shall appear from "TUESDA" further! It means, that FOR the FUTURE generations INDEMNIFICATION as powerful CREATING of a beginning, something as G's FINGER will be created, that at the end will result in BALANCE for the benefit of association. This means, that in fineer volumes of parts of our world, our zone inhabitance, the association is validly accompanied by destructions, but destructions of false, inconsistent connections. So can be, in the destruction the destruction - creation, but each time WE MOUNT on a stair above...

In all considered "flows" something, SOME-WHERE, AT ONE TIME occurs! The Questions "where" and "when" third "flow" answers.

ETERNITY -> through transition of time in space, death, unexistence -> SPACE -> through transition of space in time, life -> ETERNITY


It is very curious and AT ALL NOT OBVIOUS, PARADOXICAL from the point of view of MODERN KNOWLEDGE "flow"!!! Here SPACE as something DEAD or is opposed to ETERNITY... Death! р.e., we live in an environment of DEATH and РНМЭЙН a PULSE given at the moment of transition from a stage of destruction UNIFORM on inconsistent inert parts to a stage of association of the same parts, GIVES LIFE, transition from death to eternity! And again, this transition goes in parts, with "deviations" in particulars for the sake of execution of WILL in general!

Pay attention to STAGES of expansion and compression installed!!! It appears, we live only because the phase of denying of denying has replaced ПЯЬХПЕМХЕ by an installed phase of movement again to "TUESDA", but what SURPRISING ways all this occurs! As the life EXISTS, it - fact, this means, that "ISP" - extends! Yes, yes, yes! "ISP" - is uniform in set of the displays and as though long there was no to us an information on events on periphery installed, as though CHAOS did not deform it, "TUESDA" it not only is known, but also IS STIPULATED! ALL "ISP" in all installed SIMULTANEOUSLY steel to extend, and the expansion installed has become not accelerated, and BRAKED! This means, that the EPOCH of GRAVITATION, as a result of which uniform has scattered for picies, was replaced by EPOCH of ANTIGRAVITATION is NOT, when the splinters aspire in uniform! The huge VACUUM PUMP " installed makes WORK, translating ЙХМЕРХВЕЯЙСЧ energy of weights in potential energy of space - time! But where in space - time we shall find the information ON IT? Not through millions years, and now? Only in " ISP ", about what I here and I try to tell! Space can give us РНКЭБН the PROOVES hidden in chaos of the information, the knowledge is capable to separate lie from true!

Let's consider now SPEAKING, invincible WILL, to which all time we refer.

SPEAKING -> Through increasing rest, counteraction -> INERTIA ->Through increasing initiation, movement, reduction of inertia, assistance -> SPEAKING

By breaking off by means of the contradictions UNIFORM on a part, by destroying thus ABILITY to display of WILL, by entering parts in a condition of COUNTERACTION to pulses, otherwise inertia, "TUESDA", at the same time, through the same contradictions was given with the PULSE which has caused movement of all parts, Denying of denying through a new pulse, first-initiation, movement in CARDINAL new conditions - about pulses and conditions, by them are created we shall talk hardly assumes CHANGE, display all new and new initiation of parts under the attitude to each other later. One change derivates another, and, collecting, being united and merging, ХМХЖХЮЖХЪ gets the increasing and large force, aspiring to the limit - VERB. Here variants of reduction of intensity ХМХЖХЮЖХХ also are connected to destruction and chaos in a part of general process, when the sharp increase of ability to it is accompanied by reduction of such ability by many parts common. The above initiative of the LEADER, the its smaller displays at the members of community. And on the contrary.

Fifth of "flows" - ABSOLUTENESS as completeness, perfection /look The dictionary OGEGOV S.I../. -

ABSOLUTENESS -> through transition of quality in quantity -> SET NONENTITY, IMMENSLY SMALL in IMMENSLY LARGE -> through transition of quantity in quality, self-statement -> ABSOLUTENESS, /immense large in immensly small /

It is the same surprising flow, as well as previous! Completeness and perfection degenerate at splitting, division with the contradictions in NONENTITY! But under action all that first-impulse all comes in the directed movement and including to completeness and perfection, to "TUESDA"! I am immensly small NONENTITY in immensly large space - time being united, showing initiation and being ordered, get QUALITY as display of completeness and perfection, and than further, especially high, that each time makes effect of a MIRACLE! However, in due course man gets used to this as self-evident., "assorts" a miracle on "compound" parts, learning process From HEIGHT of a NEW LEVEL of KNOWLEDGE, finding dependences of quality on quantity.AT THIS LEVEL, that allows it(him) to speak about the LAWS of all these displays, so, about INDEPENDENCE of their displays of "whose" WILL! And all the same mankind is tormented with questions: Who we, whence, what for, when and how have appeared, so, and what with us occurs today and will occur tomorrow? Whether it is possible to turn process BACKWARDS, contrary to WILL "TUESDA", otherwise to transition of quality in quantity?

It is possible ONLY through destruction, to what it is necessary to apply HIGHER QUALITY, that in a result through volumetric integral again will give the negative answer! This means, that the community, which is constructed ON LIE, self-destroys, passes in more poor quality, that is accompanied by DIVISION on accordingly less qualitative, but appropriate quantitatively, part!!! And it - necessary and natural process, previous to transition to process, new qualitatively more a high level, of association!

We with you have considered all five "flows", but have not found anywhere something, that would have the attitude to VALIDITY!!! There is an association - merge /, which has the relation and can correspond to LOVE, but not of validity! We have found out, that at association, СОНПЪДНВХБЮМХХ and transition of space in time occur /parallelly/ destruction, chaos, death, i.e. INJUSTICE in our understanding! At transition to a NEW LEVEL of knowledge, association, the spaces - time are inevitable destructions of FALSE, chaotic knowledge, associations, their death! But it - NOT end in itself, and the WAY to recombination, which result becomes transition to a higher step on all "flows"!

How to be, when, under a pretext of "validity", declaring the good purposes, call to destroy, to sow death? It from CRAFTY! Also it is necessary to show THE free will to resist to such intentions, to promote "TUESDA". There is only one argument, criterion determining BLESSING the purposes, following from the circuit " FIVE FLOWS To ONE ": LOVE!!! Everything, that is done of LOVE to the man, "TUESDA" - for the BOON! Everything, that from "validity" - from crafty... Just by "injustice" gave reason of the SNAKES. The offer " to taste from forbidden fruit " - about Adam and Eva I hope still to express - interesting there is a situation in the moment of latter of association of parts in "TUESDA"! /. Everyone, who creates the businesses under the guise "validity", resist and contradicts "TUESDA", accumulate chaos, angry, contradictions, that is inevitable in a result will result in new destructions, but already of CHAOS, evil, contradictions, according to WILL "TUESDA", that will be inevitable to be accompanied by troubles, transition to "TUESDA" ВЕПЕ death, instead of through life!

Pertinently here too ЯННРМЕЯРХ east philosophies calling for a unification with "TUESDA" - in their UNDERSTANDING - with absolute through death, through dissolution in space! So, the philosophy "Yoga" calls for SELF-CONTEMPLATION, as a result of which the man comes nearer to "TUESDA" just in this direction, because of what before them and ОПЕДЯРЮЕР DEAD ABSOLUTE, otherwise ONE of DISPLAYS - alive "TUESDA" - its denying. Some of the most successful followers of the doctrine manages to come nearer to unexistence CLOSELY, i.e. to be dissolved in АЕГЛЕПМНЯРХ of space, STOPPING TIME! But from - "TUESDA" they LEAVE in an opposite direction! The association everyone, who has not come to "TUESDA" at life, will take place only with death installed, when will disappear /!/ Space with all accumuleted in it by chaos! Except for - that, from their attention SLIPPED OUT ten /!/ "Flows" "LUSDAY" and "WUSDA"! Differently, as by a leaving, evasion from WILL and LAW "TUESDA" this doctrine cannot be defined! Though and to deny as " ONE of ways and ways of KNOWLEDGE it would be incorrect... As completeness "TUESDA " - in unity with the denying, as a matter of fact - with "ABSOLUTE "! And still, in aggregate of processes of knowledge and RESOLUTION OF CONFLICTS they chose a FALSE WAY!
