APPENDICES (F.A.Q.)              

About Money and Spirituality

  1. Question: To what extent the payment with money for the offered PRODUCT is justified from the point of view of spirituality?
  Answer: Money manifests a rotational movement (idiom: movement of money), which corresponds to energies of Aries. The more money, to the more extent energy is manifested. Call for funds in this PROJECT leads to targeted sending of personal aspect of energy of the "Lord my Banner". At that the well-known principle of rotational movement is carried out: "energy follows thoughts". Spirituality of this act is connected with the third divine aspect (the Holy Spirits of Christians), but it is not yet connected with the second divine aspect: it is necessary to pass out the first step, which becomes a support (Moses's stone) for the following one (Figure 1 ). ). However at the level of founders of this project such a connection does exist, it is manifested in the act of "salvation of money" or "purification of money" (see instructions Christ gave to Peter in front of (!) the entrance (!) into the temple (!) in Capernaum: (Matthew, 17:25-27). I.e., money as an aspect of rotational movement is involved in the more complex movement of spiritual work hidden behind the initial form of the project.

  2. Question: Why the center of triangle is of just such a color (blue)?
  Answer: This is the color of priest vestments (emphotion): "You shall make the robe of the ephod all of blue" (Exodus, 28:31). It is to be noted that this color, itself a sort of vestment, hides the true color, or light, radiating from the triangle: golden-yellow. To make it sure, look at the blue triangle for any time and then close your eyes: you will see a golden triangle on a dark background.

  3. Question: Why it is necessary to return to energies of Aries when Christ revealed energies of Pisces to us?
  Answer: Christian churches annually go through symbolic treachery, crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. Thus, they return over and over again to energies of Age of Aries, in order to bring them to a head and to replace them by energies of Pisces. During the year they commemorate several moments of the three-year period of his mission. That is, they repeat each year this three-year way from Aries to Pisces. However, that annual repetition does not allow us to put together with those energies, which generates a situation of energy CHAOS. The offered project not only repeats the way of Jesus Christ in right scale, but actually joins energies for the first time of two, then of three Ages. We are going from the "Lord my Banner", becoming "Veil" in Pisces, to a break within this Veil, relying (point of support for a "lever-cycle") on current "Veils" and dormata, not on archetypes, or drawings of the Past and the Future, as they are described in the book of Life.

  4. Question: How interaction occurs? What human shells or pathways are involved?
  Answer: Mental, or "thought" forms, and the human archetype are interplaying. That is to say, our mental system, mental forms surrounding us, are interplaying with the Intention of the God, who is a vital force for the mankind. That archetype is constant, but presenting always under modifying forms. Modifications are caused by aspects of time (consciousness) and form (mental level) and are cyclic by nature.
In the other hand, the human material in its differentiation responds to the Past, to the Present and to the Future. The apostle Paul is a saint; but he is the man who before his insight had chased Christians and put them to death. The apostle Peter is a saint; but he is the very man that threefold during the night denied Christ. Everyone possesses something high and something mean within him (her). Opposing one to other implies dividing the World, the Creature that is unified and indivisible in essence. Just this essential unity is addressed in this Project, rending unto God the things that are God's, and unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's.

  5. Question: What confirms my interaction with Energy?
  Answer: Everybody is connected to this Energy and interplays with it. However, every human being has relations with other energies as well. Just this multitude generates CHAOS at a mental level. The PRODUCT works (based on authors' experience: the project has been carrying out already for 3.5 years) as follows: by means of fire of the Bridge-Altar under construction through joint efforts, the mental field of user shall be purified from "thought-forms - vampires", and user becomes more easy and natural mentally. This is manifested by periodically coming "insights", "flashes of clarity". Respectively, the environment and so called "life conditions" will be put in order. Many people live by formula: "here and now", loosing connections with the Past and Future.
Dynamic energy of the PROJECT synthetically communicates with The Past , depends on it, and dynamically grow into Future as well. Properly, the Past and Future are the components of this Energy. That is why the emphasis on the "Present" does not opposite the three aspects of the time each other.

  6. Question: How is it possible to attain insight actually without working for it?
  Answer: If you looked into the Book of Life, where all your deeds during previous incarnations are registered, you would see, that the most of requested work was done by you (more precisely, by your soul) long ago. Otherwise you would not visit our site. But your personality - substantially not by personal, but by all-planetary reason - is not still awoken enough to be able "remember" and "extract" into the mind the positive force of previous achievements. That it is true is confirmed by the fact that you easily get into fine informational projects and constructions: previous "operating times" get involved: that is you true but partial "resurrection".

  7. Question: What about safety measures?
  Answer: Safety is an integral part of the program.
   1. Level "1" is unavailable for users: "And you shall not go up by steps to my altar, that your nakedness be not exposed on it" (Exodus, 20:26).
   2. You are entering in the Project gradually, as well as advancing within the Project frame.
   3. Interaction corresponds to achievements of previous incarnations of your soul, which makes up a natural protection.
   4. As a matter of fact we do not "add" to you anything; things you acquire already subsist within you but in a closed form. All we are making is helping you "to disclose yourself".
   5. There are no contraindications from point of view of soul or - at the Aries stage - from point of view of an active positive personality. At the first stage we are working with personality aspect exclusively, in order to prepare this divine tool of soul to the second stage. At that we help you to put in good order energy leakages, including you as a participant into the process of construction of the Altar-Bridge of the Age of Aquarius.

  8. What the WM is?
  Answer: WM stands for WebMoney. This is a convenient and reliable system of payment, which we use to enter assets within this program. Commission fee for order makes 0.8%, the transition time makes several minutes. If you have not yet a WebMoney purse you can create it. All instruction you can find on site of the WM system ( On the same site you can learn about various ways to put money in you ID WB. To be sure, take all measures to secure you key and WM purse (save a backup of you ID WM on a flash-memory or on a CD).

  9. Are you working with other system of payment except WM?
  Answer: Only in exceptional cases. WebMoney is our preferred system. If you use other system of payment (Yandex.Money, and so on) you can transfer some money on WM using net exchangers. You can find their address on site

  10. I want to participate in the program and I have some questions. What are your contacts?
  Answer: If you need complementary information, please contact us by e-mail indicating in the field "subject": "Questions by the program RAINBOW BRIDGE" .
We shall give you all needed detail information to make our further cooperation more efficient.