THE HELP AT REGISTRATION                  
IN THE PROGRAM ''RAINBOW BRIDGE''                 

- You can choose any name, length no more than 30 symbols and consisting of letters, figures, Signs on underlining ("_"), points (".") or a minus ("-").
The name cannot begin with symbols a minus ("-"), a point (".") Or a sign on underlining ("_").

- You can choose anyone login, length no more than 15 symbols and consisting of latin letters, figures, Signs on underlining ("_"), points (".") or a minus ("-").
The name cannot begin with symbols a minus ("-"), a point (".") Or a sign on underlining ("_").

- The length of the password should be not less than four symbols.
Do not choose too simple password.
Choosing the password, we recommend to follow some rules:
-- choose such password which you can easily remember, and others thus cannot calculate;
- it is preferable to use combinations from lines of letters and figures;
- in the password it is impossible to use cyrillics;
- it is preferable to not use at creation of the password proper name, and also other information of personal character which other people can easily calculate.

    ВНИМАНИЕ!   Remember: Never, under no circumstances, speak nobody the password to the registration! The administration of a site never dispatches the users of the letter with the request to send the password!

''Repetition of the password''
- Repeated input of the password for exception of a mistake of input.

- Your post address used at participation in the program ''RAINBOW BRIDGE''

''Estimated figures''
- For protection against automatic registration enter number which you see in a picture. If you do not see a picture with number, check up, whether show of pictures is included in your browser. After inclusion of show of pictures you can return to registration. If you doubt that you see for number in a picture, Try to enter the most similar number. If at you will fail to guess number, Attempts to enter him will be given to you still.

Be convinced, that have filled in all fields of the questionnaire.


ВНИМАНИЕ!    To recollect the password:
- If you will forget the password, for his restoration you will need to send search with EMAIL which is specified at registration.