

Citations from I.P.Shmelev's operation «the Third alarm system» as a part of the collection «Section Divine. Three views on the harmony nature.» - Ì: Stroyizdat, 1990. ISBN 5-274-00197-1. (Comment: underlinings are made by the commentator)

 «It is known also, that frequent reorganisations of a condition of acclimatisation are fraught for the person with painful tracks. Therefore with a view of a health maintenance the person should or be in the conditions of stable medium, or train the organism in order to avoid stress at the sharp and frequent reorganisations related to a modification environmental-factor... When the ancient spoke« Major – in small, small – in major »they underlined this phrase a requirement of harmonic unity of system as integrated organism with all private frames entering in system: their proportional interconditionality, i.e. a resonance, or, expressing the modern language of the common theory of systems (CTS), invariancy without what the system cannot function in normal, i.e. in an inconvertible condition. Harmony out of this requirement is excluded.» (I.P.Shmelev, «The Third alarm system», p.241)

«In Ancient Egypt: «Egyptians said, that two short legs of this delta circuit is Osiris and Èçèäà; a hypotenuse – Gorus, the beginning derivative» (Hambridge D.Dinamicheskaja symmetry in architecture. TH., 1984, with. p.34)...»

«In Ancient India: «Hindus stated this theorem differently. They viewed a hypotenuse as a rectangle diagonal. Rectangles which they meant, were rectangles of dynamic symmetry» (in the same place).

«In Ancient China:"In "Tszjuch Jean Suanshu» word Dao (oozed I.P.Shmelev) the rectangle diagonal is termed. Such diagonal can be perceived as a graphic representation of the functional relations of the legs of a rectangle. So we approach to understanding Dao as a drawing of some function that will be compounded with radical value of this word – "path"» (in the same place with. p.219).

«As is known, the founder daos concepts were great  ancient  Chinese philosopher Lao Dzy which tradition has prolonged ingenious Chzhuan-tszy.»

«The spiral of Archimedes in a circle is a topological invariant of a diagonal of a rectangle.... A circle diagonal, and besides unique (?????), there is the curved track (spiral of Archimedes) going from the fixed point of a rim to centre of a circle.»

«We collide with the most curious abstract kettle symbolising« game »proportional rationes, and this game is conducted« in two persons »without exterior interference continuously and spontaneously, i.e. is spontaneous: the system rotates at once in two (!) directions – on a course of a finger and against

«SDS – up-to-date the system is more common abstraction of developmental formation...» (p.251)

 «Our "Siamese twins"»- not upset (initial) and upset (dual-amplification) corners – are joined by the bridge in which quality the method of commensurable sections appears.» (p.257).



Before we will view the Golden section method with reference to the Internet-project «Rainbow Bridge», we will eliminate some corrigendas existing in made comments examination. We will mean thus, that from the moment of its writing there have transited 20 years and the author for certain has made corrections for a long time already. However we do not have other issuing of operation, and we should show, or correct, the found out corrigendas.

It is a question of «a controller of proportional dependence», about the coefficient peer 0,118 (p.261). It is spotted as «a difference of lengths of a diagonal and the warrant of the two-interfacing quadrate adopted for the module» (in the same place). Explaining fig.21 which we here result is thus given.

Simple arithmetical calculations yield, however, other effect: the odds of lengths of a diagonal and the warrant of the two-interfacing quadrate is peer 0,236, instead of half of this value. And nevertheless, the author of the rights, speaking about quantity 0, 118 as about «a controller of proportional dependence», but its definition more difficult[1], and in the book is shown on fig.7  (p.252) which also for convenience is given here. Simple arithmetical evaluations give us the value indicated fig.7. That is "controller" is a quantity on which the inscribed quadrate moves (is shaded) concerning a symmetry axis of the two-interfacing quadrate. The author has solved to simplify definition, having taken half from the quantity 0,236 also scored here in a drawing. But here there were the corrigendas, indicated above.


On fig.1 the BRIDGE habit view (on a method of commensurable sections) is presented.

On p.258 made comments books are shown, that "round" a golden section there is an uncountable set of others proportional zavi-simostej. On fig.2 the same BRIDGE after vertical accentuation (will prolate on a vertical) in special way is presented. Unlike the previous version all three aspects (two legs and "hypotenuse", or the messenger between them) here are presented and accented similarly, as a rectangular delta circuit (or the quadrate compounded of two such delta circuits) is conversed to an equilateral triangle. The initial state (a quadrate state) represents similarly two legs (two legs), hiding the third (a quadrate diagonal, means a principle). Effected transformation allows occult to part a quadrate on two delta circuits, and two equilateral triangles, unclosing and joining thus all three aspects (that is they s-s th, or on-with-three th[2]).

Whether «the gold proportion» is maintained at BRIDGE transformation on a vertical or a horizontal? Certainly, as we deal with a proportion, or the ration of sections (shapes, Forces, Energia), and it means, that the numerator and a denominator can proportionally vary. And it is not obligatory on a certain constant, but including on variable function[3]. The mathematical  it looks so:

Here we are returned to definition of  «controller of proportional dependence», the coefficient peer 0,118, as «a difference of lengths of a diagonal and the warrant of the two-interfacing quadrate adopted for the module». The matter is that at transformation on a vertical the warrant of the two-interfacing quadrate remains to peer two unities, and the altitude and a diagonal vary. For example, for version of transformation of a rectangular delta circuit in equipotential (corners on 600), we have instead of 0,236 quantity 0,345. Thus on method Hesi-Ra (Ancient Egypt, fig.7) we gain generally the subzero quantity. That is to build the Bridge it is necessary in base version[4], and to transform a ready construction[5].Here we see a scientific substantiation (or acknowledgement is more exact) that the Intrenet-project «Rainbow Bridge» begins in energies of the Aries, from base version which is gradually transformed to version the «Principle of Christ».

For completeness of a pattern it is necessary to mean a capability of symmetric "scans" of the BRIDGE (fig.3à) and combinations to rotational displacements on 30î, 60î or 90î versions (fig.3 and  fig.3c).

Value of last note becomes more actual when we transfer to viewing of a diagonal of a circle.

At first, it is necessary to improve, that a circle diagonal, unlike the quadrate diagonal, stratified[6] It is necessary to explain the given statement (fig.4). The version "And" shows, as ascending, and descending diagonals in a quadrate coincide,  neutralise each other. Therefore fluxion of energies goes on quadrate perimetre. The version is the diagonal conducted from centre to a rim. The version "In" is the diagonal conducted from a rim to centre. The version  «D» (fig.4) is the full (stratified) diagonal of a circle. Fluxion of energies goes independently on two branches of a diagonal. It that, as to the WHOLE.

 However in life of shapes it is valid to consider both incomplete versions and combinations of incomplete versions. They are featured to operation «the Third alarm system» (p.268, fig. 36-39). It is Thus scored (and  mathematical the known fact, that driving from centre to a rim is justified) and from a rim to centre generate gyrations of an opposite directedness[7].

Important point is the modification of a rhythm of oscillation of a hypersphere depending on a driving direction: it that in esoterics is designated as man's and female aspects. Thus the man's aspect is a primary oscillation of a core ("cap"), female – secondary oscillation of an envelope, or an echo primary ("ring").

On fig.5 «the spectrum of a primary gnomon», or a man's principle, (expressing property of the hologramme) is shown, at section of a circle by a diagonal (dual by the nature therefore the spectrum is gained two-forked) from centre to a rim.

On fig.6 «the spectrum of the dual-amplification gnomon», i.e. reflected from an envelope is shown, or female principle, at section of a circle a diagonal from a rim to centre. Accordingly on fig.7 – the full version of a method of commensurable Energia, that is the full[8] version of an archetype of the BRIDGE between centre and a rim.

The mankind representing oscillation of an envelope, expresses female aspect. The Deva-evolution representing oscillation of a kernel, - man's aspect. Their linking urged to generate WHOLE, or a divine Hermaphrodite.

The Internet-project «Rainbow Bridge» is based on the WHOLE diagonal of a hypersphere of life, at the same time sequentially realising and two "stratified" aspects. In it the parent of division of mysteries on three sequentially transferring from one stage to another. Thus the first stage expresses a rotation of envelopes of an orb. Second expresses an orb unmixing on the intersecting diagonal, or a diagonal. The third stage expresses linking and envelopes, and a double-layer diagonal through a pulsing orb as a whole. Thus it is necessary to improve, that in the DESIGN we work with commensurable Energia[9].

The DESIGN initially is based on "interior" knowledge, however for extraneous mind this radiant is doubtful, in this connection often there is « Fomy complex[10]»: than to confirm, or to prove, the validity of an intention? Here again the rational help is rendered by the Golden section method. So above it has already been shown, that the proportion does not vary at Bridge strain on a vertical or a horizontal. But something varies, does not transit such action completely?

Simple mathematical evaluations give the following pattern: the warrant of a rectangular delta circuit (base for the Golden section baseline design) it is peer √2, and the legs and altitude – «1». "Having prolated" this delta circuit to equipotential (the warrant and the legs are peer √2), we will gain altitude peer 3/2, that is approximately peer «1, 23». It is coefficient of "prominence" of a substance: the controller of proportional dependence «0,118»[11] peer to the half third position of a descending number, is raised to the whole value of the fourth position of the same number that allows descending spirit to act a substance more deeply.

It is necessary to explain the last. When we speak about "controller" we speak both about the Key, and about a point from which harmonisation in both directions is conducted: upwards and downwards. In base version such point is the third level of a descending number, and in implicit, or hidden, a view as half value undertakes. At vertical transformation in 1,23 times the regulating point is biased down to the fourth level of a descending number (see the table), and becomes obvious (exhibited, deposited). What does it give?


the descending

a number


Number numbers

the gold


1. Universal


2. Planetary


3. National


4. Social


5. Group


6. Familiar


7. Individual


As the given comment is guided on true nature of the person, that is mental us the connection establishment between the higher and the lowest interests, between the person and the Creator. When the regulating point is at the third level in a regulating band two levels upwards and two (the fourth fall only and the fifth under the symmetry law), partly third (sixth) downwards (connection is, but partly and rare). When the regulating point is biased on the fourth level three are sweepped upwards and three downwards, total all seven. Here in one of seven Keys an explanation of words of the New testament, that the Christ after the crucifixion was for three days (three levels upwards) and three nights (three levels downwards) is concluded in earth heart (the fourth, or median, level of space of mankind).

Pay attention to the icons figuring the Christ or sacred: they are prolated on a vertical in 1,23 times from a physical prototype. And all receive harmony which such transformation as harmony of the Holy Spirit, bears harmony of connection of the person with the Creator. The parent that is a base proportion of Kingdom Divine to which the mankind should be joined. It is a part – ritual, or ceremonial – the Christ's Principle, the BRIDGE between human kingdom and Kingdom Divine.

In connection with the DESIGN «Iridescent Bridge» and those levels that are offered its participants, we will score, that the third level (a point of regulating of harmony in conventional version) is state. The states, the nations, nationalities, nationalities – here centres round which the mankind unsuccessfully throughout thousand years tries to draw up the harmonic world. Levels "individual" and "family" here do not participate, that is why suffer more than others. In version of the Christ level social[12], and all remaining – dependent, or derivative of it becomes regulating centre. Not casually last 100 years social problems become in the head of a corner of up-to-date ìèðîóñòðîéñòâà: energies of the Aquarius are already accepted and realised through transition to a harmonic series caused by the Christ's Principle.

Earlier it was mentioned, that the mankind in relation to Kingdom Divine is negative. However and Kingdom Divine also is negative in relation to a Shambhala, places from which the Lord gives vent to the Will, radiant of vitality of all shapes. The ration of all of three can be expressed as follows: the Shambhala (is positive) – Kingdom Divine (negatively, it is acquisitive to energy of a Shambhala) – Mankind (negatively in relation to Kingdom Divine, "negatively-negatively" or positively in relation to a Shambhala). Different charges are attracted, and identical are repelled. Therefore for mankind BRIDGE building is polarity change. If positivity of a Shambhala to accept for an initial state negativity of Kingdom Divine is dialectic initial "negation" of a Shambhala which in process of chang of aircraft attitude is overcome. Accordingly, the Mankind expresses in relation to a Shambhala initial «negation negation»[13]. Such statement opens a PATH of building of the BRIDGE: Through putting off of some mental and mental limitations designated by the second word "negation"; through acceptance of a state and the qualities, characterising Kingdom Divine etc. Bridge Transformation is a modification of polarisation through a leaving from «traditions of ancestors», through a failure from restricting "negations", or aversions. The dynamic spirit which creates the design «Iridescent Bridge», boosts natural process of interior voiding of the person and its transfer on higher harmonic series.

In connection with a viewed theme also the Masonic figure featured by Shmelevym I.P. on fig. «27» differently is interpreted: it at all levels of partitioning the different[14]. Namely: in the Aquarius it is under construction on the basis of number of the number disposed more low. Here we also discover connection between the mentioned Masonic figure and the Georgievsky Cross which expresses the seventh level of a descending number. Here too transfer of a controller of proportional dependence from an implicit view in obvious (Section Divine), and harmonising effect from the subjective beginning in objective, or deposited, at all seven levels of space of mankind becomes one of transformation consequences.

More in-depth study can give and other unexpected effects.









[1] Probably, attempt to make more simple definition also has led to the scored incident.

[2] In a quadrate we double we ("will double") equal aspects, in an equilateral triangle we (build), accordingly, three.

[3] This The mathematical the universal path is presented in the DESIGN by quadrate transformation to a rhomb.

[4] It is Old Testament version, culmination ascension Moses on Mountain: the people remained with a foot, guessing «where this person has got to?».

[5] It is New Testament version, or Jesus Christ doctrines.

[6] Moebius's many-dimensional effect.

[7] In the scored operation the mathematical substantiation of the known fact is given, that  mutating and the fixed crosses have a counter-rotation. Thus the cardinal cross symbolising the full diagonal, rotates «round itself». Besides, in the author's book «THE DIALECTICS of a MULTIDIMENSIONAL WORLD » (a part II) it is shown, that driving from centre to a rim generates an antivortex, and from a rim to centre – a vortex. And both of them compound a field of interactions in the present Universe.

[8]  With that only a stipulation, that this archetype proves six versions in true and six in false (induced, the dual-amplification) a view

[9]  In Shmeleva I.P.'s mathematical model it is a question of «commensurable sections», squares and volumes them shaped. In practice the person deals with Forces (shapes) and Energia (essence, spirit of these shapes). Therefore our BRIDGE is a method of commensurable Energia. The Altar constitution, transformation of its "stones" streams from this method in time and other processes ñåìèóðîâíåâîå.

[10]  Apostle Fomy, who has wished «to enclose the of a finger in wounds of the Christ» to be convinced of a reality visible by it.

[11]  P. 261 aforementioned books see. Here the given coefficient is calculated for a horizontal, but in case of a quadrate is applicable and for a vertical. In case of transformation the given controllers also vary: in our case it becomes Section Divine (Gold)  for a vertical, but a little «does not hold out» across.

[12]   Its bottom is «the Love to short-range».

[13]  More in detail the given dialectic ration is considered in the book « THE DIALECTICS of a MULTIDIMENSIONAL WORLD », a part I (see in site library).

[14] The Masonic concerns to second in linking with the third. In such linking «regulation of proportional dependence» consists.