Lord my Banner





In process of home guard advance in depth of desert arises problems of more and more that desires still have the power over Israel, and it has found out, that most important of its devices – attachment behaviour (in the beginning of examination of a singularity of three devices of desire are featured explicitly) - has appeared not got rid up to the end. In 17 head again there is a speech about awakening (or uprise of ancient "deposits") non-realised sensual desires: the home guard is not retained on the mental plan, continually "stalls" on astral, demands some "water", i.e. sensual life. Whether many of readers can imagine life without emotions, without sensual rationes? Many of my acquaintances in this causing exclaim: «Yes unless it is life?» Or: «to Whom it such is necessary?» With similar understanding of life has collided Moses: the mankind of the Century of the Aries expresses itself through astralno-mental activity. And the astral aspect has the negative polarity exhibited through use of messengers – astral substances.

Here the home guard appears again on a grief Horive. We will recollect those places which remained with us not opened: «… also has come to mountain Bozhiej, Horivu» (Exodus, 3:2), «… and here to you a sign, that I have sent you: when you will output the people from Egypt, you make service to the God on this mountain» (Exodus 3:12). Now we have one more event: «… I will become before you there on rock Horivu, and you will strike in a rock, and water will go from it, both will drink the people. Also has made so Moses in the opinion of elders Israel and consequently, that they tempted the Lord, speaking: whether there is a Lord among us, or not?» (Exodus 17:6-7). This place has been termed« a temptation ...». Though it is here too spoken about water, it is a question about pure and reviver of the mental plan, that is – of vital energy, Soul light because there before Moses  there is a Lord. And the sense called by this light, - pleasure, the higher synthetic sense, having the bottom the Love, not knowing duplicities of the astral plan. As reproach for doubt and a temptation it has been given, only slightly and for short time having touched, to learn to"home guard"this higher sense. But it yet a sign, it only reproach for doubt, attachment behaviour to"thirst".

            In due time Moses, after individual reaching of mountain Horivy, became the soldier and has been forced to battle to the Pharaoh, personifying vedic blind and perfidious tsar Dhritarashtru. Now mountains Horivy were reached by all "home guard" of Israel. Also what we see? «Both have come Amalikityan and were at war with Israelis in Refidim. Moses has told to Jesus: choose to us husbands and go, battle with Amalikityan; tomorrow I will become on hill vertex, and the staff will be in my arm» (Exodus 8-9). The people have asked "sweet" water, the karmic relationship and karmic responsibility has been returned it, means, earlier or later there will set in time "to be at war" or to bath karma. Here Amalikityan personify new army vedic sons of tsar Dhritarashtra. As we remember, on the leg of this army there was« a force of Krishna »or in Bible terms –« force of the God ». It is that force of the God from which ancestor Moiseja Iakov (Genesis 32, 24-28). Then there was a name "Israel" that means «for you struggled good luck, and person will overcome» (Genesis 32, 28). The god is presented us as figurative: Spirit, Soul and Force. That"struggles"with Force, the formal or material aspect, is Soul. For this reason the aspect of Israel concerns to aspect of Soul.

In «Veda» on leg Ardjuna and his brothers pandav there was itself Krishna with the wisdom. What do we see in "Outcome"? At Amalikityan it is obvious available force, they have come to demonstrate it. What opposes Moses? «… the staff will be in my arm», - he speaks. This staff has been gained by it even before homing to Egypt, that is on the same mountain Horive, and in it not force, but Wisdom of the God as it is Staff Kaduzeya. Now it is opposed to Force of the Creator. Here is how it is featured: « Moses, Aaron and Îð have ascended to hill vertex. And when Moses raised the arms, overcame Israel and when sinked the arms, overcame Amalika; but arms Moses's have become heavy, and then have taken a stone and have enclosed under it, and it has sat on it, Aaron and Îr sustained its arms, one with one, others on the other hand. And its arms have been raised to  passed the sun. Jesus Amalika and the people its edge of a sword … also has deposed Both has settled Moses an altar and has named to it a name: Nissi Yehova. For, he has told, an arm on a throne of the Lord: abuse at the Lord against Amalika from generation to generation » (Exodus 17:10-16). To many indications which will be now shown, this one of the most important places in second book Moses. However we will begin that by means of imagination we will imagine the event which has happened on"hill". In a fig.2 the figure of that is featured in 17th chapter is shown.

Here is how it is opened: while group antahkarana it was still shaped (before events of 17 heads), effects of struggle between the person (the material aspect symbolised by the Egyptian and Amalika) and douches (symbolised by Israel) were variables[1].

When Moses it was possible to overcome barriers of the person and for a while become emanatings from above, he won behind a victory. But occasionally inertia of skew fields overcame and insufficient cleanliness antahkarana then temporarily beat the person was exhibited still: substance radiance, or storages of the past predominated. When shaping antahkarana was terminated, it became that "stone" that has given Moses a trusty and constant seat, and its "brother" Aaron (culture, Inspiration  – see « The Teosofsky dictionary ») and Îð (spirituality) of a steel that support that have made Moses constantly radiating Life and have given a victory over Mors. This that Sign on a grief Horive about which it was spoken at the very beginning of the book"Outcome". For this reason Moses has settled here the Altar as« And Lord Moiseju has told: write this for memory to the book … » (Exodus 17:14). It is higher of possible altars as the person here sacrifices the formal nature for the sake of life, radiates Life and is its inexhaustible radiant. The Christ, speaking«I is a path and true and life», meant the same process, the same Altar which has been set up Moses on a grief Horive. This Altar is termed Antahkarana. Not randomly future evangelists see Jesus, consulting with Moses and Èëèåé. Sacrifice is that as the Banner Jesus Christ, and this Banner – Nissi Yehova has selected, it« an arm on a throne of the Lord » (Exodus 17:16). (An arm – a will figure, and «an arm of the Lord» - spiritual Will.) and last words of the given chapter of the Bible say to us, that the featured fight between material and spiritual aspects of the person is necessary to all without elimination: «abuse at the Lord against Amalika from generation to generation» (Exodus 17:16).

The story about this Altar on it could be finished, but, relating «the Christ's Principle» with «the Fiery Gate», anticipating future deeper conversation on occult themes, I bring to attention of the reader the following.

Here fragments from the bible plot viewed by us: 1) «And when Moses raised the arms, overcame Israel»; 2) «and when sinked the arms, overcame Amalika». In  fig.3 are shown featured in points "1" and «2» figures. Version "1" is a descending energy which in «Signs of Times» is designated as exhibited activity of the divine aspects termed as "elements". This activity starts with so deep radiant, that about it speak only as about Thom, «Whom we Live and we Move and we Exist» (Act. 17, 28). And more almost anything to tell it is impossible. And when the person or bunch builds the life on it,  forge radiance, the soul appropriates for the control the person and occult beats not cleanliness . Version "2" is the ascending activity of a substance exhibited through personal aspect of the person. It is the same divine energy, but for a long time itself the substances which have realised and become now by a part, exhibiting, or carrying out on a surface and accenting its negative aspects. That is substance radiances is same descending energy of spirit which is acquired by a substance in the past and now proves as ascending. It is the same energy parted by time for two poles, and out of time it – not Uttered Word of the Lord.

Being on mountain Horiva "hill", Moses built antahkarana, and that it «has related on the earth» «it has been related in heavens» (Matthew 6,18-19). In a fig.4 it is shown, what exactly "has related" Moses on the earth and in heavens: it also is antahkarana man's phylum, or «phylum I». It – effect of the fourth dedication which we mentioned when talked about «a burning blackthorn». There is still a female phylum, or «phylum II», but about it will be told hardly later, in section «Immovable Tables». The fig.4 gives fuller representation about "stone" on which "has sat Moisej": it was radiance of the substance, either the mankind past, or the realised Glory of the Lord.

Compare two places from chapter 17 (item 6 and 9): «I will become before you on a rock in Õîðèâå, and you will strike in a rock, and water will go from it, and will be ïèò the people» and «I will become on hill vertex, and the staff Divine will be in my arm». The Lord costs on a rock, on vertex, Moses – on a hill. From Bottom of the Lord "water" when Moses beats the Staff in a rock (and which drinks the people) effuses. But the same Staff is in raised arm Moses when it receives vital force from above. As Moses became expression, or simularity of the Lord on the earth, so "water" from bottom of the Lord - countering inertia of the substance, which spokesmen of steel Amalikityan.

In chapter 17 it is possible to pay attention also that antahkarana has been created as response to a disrupture between Moses and the people, douches and the person. That to Bottom of the Lord everything have been allowed not, and «from elders Israeli», «in which eyes» and has been unclosed a radiant.

In connection with the viewed plot it is seen pertinent to draw a parallel with words in the New testament: «… you are blissful, Simon, son Ionin because not the flesh and blood have unclosed to you it, but the Father My, Real in heavens; and I speak to you: you are stone, and on this stone I will create My Church, and a gate of a hell will not overcome it; and I will give you keys of the Kingdom of heaven …» (Matthew 16, 17-19). Here too it is a question about antahkarana which costs «at doors» the Kingdom of heaven. On interaction of two radiants – the past (Mother) and the future (Father) - costs Church of the Christ.

In the viewed 17 head for the first time there is a mention of the new operating character is Or. On the presented plan it is scored, that it is aspect of the exhibited spirituality.

Very interesting moment is discovered in the following, 18 head. In the beginning of a narration we analysed betrothal Moses with Sepfor («spiritual light»), a birth of its sons and how it has taken all of them with itself(himself) to Egypt. But in 18 head we learn, that before events on a grief Horive all of them have been returned father-in-law Moiseja. In literal perusal it is improbable history: all Jews Moses conducts to desert, they to death battle, and he sends the sons in "back", on breads of the father-in-law. In those days so did not happen! Here the sense is recovered only with âåäè÷åñêîé positions. Moses which has achieved a betrothal with spiritual light in the individual rushing, in a seclusion from wordly cares, having risen at the head of the "home guard" iterating its path, is forced to begin as though all at first: constant doubts and temptations from fellow tribesmen lead to that, as he sometimes grumbles, appealing to the God. At it also as well as at everything, ancient problems which for a while «occlude light» mount «since a bottom». Together it combats all for the full voiding of soul from slavery of the material aspect. The victory on a grief Horive which we have just viewed, has returned it spiritual light (Sepfor), but already on new, is qualitative higher level. Here we deal again with two phylums antahkarana. And, as Moses now rightfully «there is a life», sacrificial and it is a lot of, this light streams to all Israel. Therefore not to it to one, but in a camp to all home guard its father-in-law Iofor-Raguil who edifies Moses as, according to energies of the Century of the Aries, to settle a society of new phylum is also.

The place in a narration where Moses for a long time goes back to the God is of interest also and the people start to guess, that with it happen. In the same vedic a key the situation looks as follows. Soul interaction (Moses) and Mind (Aaron) periodically in time. It and short continuances when the Soul transmits impressions, and Mind registers, then long analyses, transforming into those or others thought-forms. It and more long-term interruptions called by repetition of all processes in the Universe. From vedic literatures it is known, that the Soul periodically leaves for characteristic operation on the own plan and then Mind guesses why the contact was interrupted. It is known by all who is to some extent familiar with featured processes. Those who knows also, that "disrupture" has a temporality, recommencings of contacts («drive on an ass») easy wait. Who does not know, can run into despair as feel interior (spiritual) hollow. The continuance between third (Transformation) and fourth (Retracting) dedication can be especially painful. But even among those who knows, all transits not absolutely smoothly. Not gaining stipulating impressions for the operation, the Clarified Mind starts to exhibit characteristic activity, again becomes restless. Why such it is possible? Here that speaks «Gita»: «… devote itself to noegenesis. However it is better than knowledge – meditation, and it is better than meditation – retracting from foetuses of the of transactionses for through such retracting it is possible to reach calmnesses of mind» (Exodus 12:12).








[1] Antahkarana is the "bridge" pairing lowest and higher mental plans, the integrated person and Soul.