THE THIRD MILLENIUM PSY-TECHNOLOGIES                               

''PRINCIPLE OF CHRIST''                     
"SIGNS OF TIMES"                       

"Signs of times"




« So, look, act cautiously, not as unreasonable, but as wise, valuing time, because time is tricky. So, do not be unreasonable, but learn, that there is will of God » (Eth 5,15-17).

Earlier we already spoke that all laws shown in the universe, are not eternal in the display, but changable. The person does not know it because of brevity of a life in a dense body, but his soul is informed of it. With all the heart there are words, that « all is not eternal on the ground », that « it is impossible enter the same river twice », that each sunrise is the beginning new (other, something distinct from all previous) day. However from the same soul there came also words, that « all repeats », « all already was ».

Divine expression is not limited to forms of a life observable by us. Such restriction imposes only human consciousness. At the moment of change of epoch when other "notes" start to sound, such limited consciousness expresses trouble and even fear, is indignant: « As so! And yesterday, and the third day I lived on known and habitual to me to divine laws, why now differently? Whether the God has forgotten about us, children? ». This situation can be retold as a parable. Imagine a piece of music (for example, a song) in which the note periodically sounds "up to". She sounds and separately, and in a chord. Suddenly "Singer", wishing to give new quality to a song, raises a tonality. Instead of the note "C" now sounds «C# ». The note "C", appearing « outside of game », is horrified and is indignant: « And how I? Than « C# » or other notes it is better than me? Why me "have thrown"? » However, as the reader understands, this "crying" - from limitation of consciousness, from the consciousness leaning for a while. The moment will come, and the Singer again will replace a tonality or start singing other song and the note "C" again will be claimed. She again becomes the maintenance and expression of His life. We now live at the moment of change of "tonality" songs of the God. Laws and their expression undergo changes, showing a new Divine Face from incalculable set of those. The main thing from such changes that

The Christ has left from the Cross and ___________________________________________________________________________

Has flung it from himself

Here - change of the Law. As 1970 years ago he has accepted the Cross on Golgotha so now has rejected downwards. « … I have accepted it from God himself, as you were passed, that by God Jesus that night in which was devoted, has taken bread and giving thanks, has refracted and has said: accept, eat, it is my Body, for you broken; it creates in my memoirs. As well a bowl after Evening, also has said: this is the bowl  the new testament in my Blood; it created, when will drink only, in my memoirs. For every time when you eat this bread and drink this bowl, The God's death announce, when He will come » (1 Êîð 11,23-26). Here I shall underline words: « How long he will come ». This time when he already goes, and continuing to announce the God's death, the person sins against true. While it was on ignorance, but now you know. The cross of the Crucifixion of the Christ falls from this mountain, crusifying everyone who appears on it's way. Who  are these people? It's all those who obviously or not  are teachers or false teachers who edifies. The more lie there is in his doctrine   (or illusions), the more strong he is beaten to the Cross of the Crucifixion. Who is pure - that it only pushes away, and the Cross continues the falling. All this heads, governors and preachers. It is the spouse. They are parents as they edify children. It is that, imposes the will on a life of other person. These are those who is involved in this or that belief, religion, sect or "school" as "eat" a spiritual body of the teacher, become "fishes" or "bread" of their bodies. That is practically each person during this or that moment appears on a way of " the Falling Cross ». Here we have the phenomenon of the new Law generated by the described phenomenon. It's -


The law of Carma's Subsidence _____________________________________________________________________________


Action of this Law can be presented through « effect of a spring ». Imagine a spring which have fixed below and stretch upwards. When the pressure reaches critical value, the spring breaks at the top point and "is promptly turned off" downwards. During accumulation of a tension (1970 every minute « crucifixions of the Christ ») in a zone of its "body" have got many and many therefore now energy of a spring or rejects them aside, or grasps and pulls behind itself downwards. That who is lower than all and who will fail « to reject the Cross », all weight of a human sin collected for almost 2000 will get. This group of souls will be drawn by sins of mankind in « a belly of the Earth » where the Christ has lead « three days and three nights » but where they will stay some millions years. It's after  


To the law of  ______________________________________________________________________________

«the partaken Bowl »

Under such law the mankind's carma is translated in « a belly of the Earth ». In the previous chapter we examined space conformity to "belly", here the question is terrestrial (planetary) value, that is the most rough human matter. Under more known law of evolution the most rough matter is constantly rejected, and more thin is in exchange involved. In it essence of perfection or falling of the person and during a brief terrestrial life. Not because any part of the created matter is not necessary for the God, not because she is forgotten by Him, it is not so. "Tonality" which is designated by stars also to the person is replaced and is known as « a sign on the Zodiac », and the matter of such quality does not participate in « a new song ». The creator "has counted" every grain the creation and does not neglect anything. Much later or in another job they will be involved also.
Now we are living during such intense moment when there is extremely actual « a rule of fixing ». It has been figuratively stated to Jesus concerning, when and as there will be His Coming: « When will you see nasty thing of desolation, told by prophet Daniel, staying where should not, - the reader should memorize, - then those who are in Judea run to the mountains; and who are on the roof, do not go into the house and do not  take something from the house; and who are on a field, do not address back to take their clothes » (Mth 13, 14-16). Here it is necessary to mean, that the aspect of "Judea" is the aspect of "Mother" expressing in lowest four of the human device (the aspect of Israel is an aspect of soul). Therefore for "ordinary" people, those who are entirely shipped by the consciousness during a wordly life « flight in mountains » is a urgent reference to the spirituality, to the spirituality, to the Soul.

« Those who are on the roof », is, as a matter of fact, the same "fishes" who have tasted « a body of the Christ ». For them fixing of the achievement, as at "fishes" extreme propensity to "renunciation", to recoil back, to « to returning to their house », to binding to pleasures and material purchases is actual. All this should "be fixed" even, that is to not change, that rather it is not simple. Better - to deprive with the attention and trusteeship all doubts and fears. That is, let will be and lives the internal laws, not drawing and not enthralling Soul.

« Those. Who are on a field », today it's rather numerous group of people who conducts struggle on « field Kurukshetra » - on an astral battle-field. This field of struggle of Soul with emotional uncontrolled display, with painful growth of " a body of Desires » (name of an astral body other and most typical presently), with cancer educations on him as the property. « To take the clothes » is to return (to focus the consciousness) in « leather clothes » and in a body of Desires, having given terrestrial habits and passions, a sensual life. Fixing for this group means to not relax, to not be frightened the unknown future and entirely to trust in guidance of the Soul. Only those from the groups listed by Jesus who will meet « a falling Cross » face to face, can reject it from themselves. If the person will be in flight, the cross « will lie to him on a back », that is crusify him and will pull further away downwards.

However, « the rule of fixing » is distributed and to those who could reach the greater unification with the Christ. Temptations will test all without exception. Even Apostles whom all these days are in terrestrial bodies (and conduct while an imperceptible or undistinguished public life). « For will rebel antichrists and false apostol's and will give a sign and miracles to seduce, if it is possible even chosen ones. And you should look back » (Mth 13,22-23). Words: « look back », - concern directly to Apostles by whom they have been said "beforehand".

Some words will be pertinent to say about that, « where to search for the Christ » if he now in a thin radio body. Jesus warned: « So, if will say to you: «here, in desert », do not leave; «here, in hidden rooms », - do not believe; for as the lightning proceeds from the east and is visible it happens even up to the West so there will be a coming the Human's Son  … » (Mth 24,26-27). The matter is that many believers, but not those who knows, believe the Christ « in outside of themselves ». Besides that thus they receive physical illness, they are ready to be deceived by those false apostoles who tells them, that this or that person is the Christ. In connection with the aforesaid it is possible to continue the citation from « the First message to corifians by Sacred Apostle Paul »: « Therefore, who will eat with this bread or to drink bowl of God is unworthy, will be guilty against the Body and Blood of God. Yes the person tests itself, and thus let eat this bread and drinks this from a bowl. For who eats and drinks unworthy, that eats and drinks condemnation to itself, not arguing about body of God. Because many of you are ailing and sick and dies » (1Cor 11,27-30) much. « And you are body of Christ, and separately are members » (1Cor 12,27).

  The Christ is « a life much » therefore, allocating him a place « in outside of itself », the person pushes away this Life which flows in that case really « outside of him », away from the person. Today such position separates the person from the Christ, pays his back to Him and falling (rejected by the Christ) to the Cross. Therefore the Christ is « not in desert » or « in hidden rooms », He is in ourselves. It is necessary to turn only the look from outside of in inside and to see it. Make out Him in itself and « on your belief it will be given to you ».

About the same tells and « the Law of the internal fixture » which is known the for some people as the law « do not confuse Me ». Figuratively it is described in the Gospel's parable « About ten girls » (Mth 25) where the Soul of a human is submitted by the fixture shining and meeting the groom - Christ. « Unreasonable maidens » live « in darkness », not caring about « oil in lamps », they will search for the Christ « in external darkness » - « in desert », « in rooms », in books, in miracles or terrestrial teachers. Reasonable also live an ordinary life near to the first « in external darkness », but they always have « oil in lamps », they constantly check their luminosity and peer, whether the groom was. These are searching for the Christ in "themselves", in the light view of the Soul. The first see their Soul « in outside of », not identifying themselves with it. The second are the Soul temporarily living in « leather clothes ».

Greatest of all mistics -   Divine Logos Itself . Its dream should be registered in our consciousness as « the Plan of the God », and mystical vision - as reflection of this pensive aspect of the nature of the God.


The dream cannot be imposed, only offered

The special technics of self-improvement having the name is based on it « Technics of the White Sheet ». Formally it is very simple, that is not so in realization.

The given technics is intended for revealing aspects of horizontal (formal) our relations of " bodies of Desires » and purposeful (realized) transmutation of them in vertical (sincere). As horizontal relations are constructed by a principle of division on "I" and « not I », it finds the reflection in imposing the personal dream, the personal vision, the personal will, eventually. But the dream cannot be imposed! Therefore the specified technics offers the following. Take two sheets of a white paper. On both write heading: « My requirements (claim) to such ». It can be the person, the organization, the state, etc. One sheet leave clean, and on the friend's transfer all these requirements. In process of job above yourselves you can recollect or find out still any requirements then add also them. But « the list of requirements » is ready. Now you cross out them all and put aside (that it was possible to finish not taken into account requirements), and a clean sheet put or hang up in a prominent place - he will remind you of job spent by you: any requirements, only offers which are not obligatory to acceptance or performance.

For many the similar absolute approach appears problematic therefore there is a facilitated variant « on a step ». It will consist of the following. The filled up sheet becomes your time "growing white" working sheet: you delete one of the items listed by you and watch that this requirement has been excluded from your dialogue with selected object. When the result is achieved, delete the following item. And so on up to « clean sheet ».

There are still more other laws which are staticized by entering  energy of Aquarius and which will prove in the near future. As Century of Aries has given to Moses and through him the laws as the Century of Fishes has given through a birth and the crucifixion of the Christ the - the New testament so through the Rebirth and Rejection of the Cross Century of Aquarius will express it's. And under these laws all of us shall change. These laws will be that "sieve" which will separate « grains from darnel » for there has come time of gathering of "crop" of a last Century (Fishes) and time of crop of new seeds of the Century of the future.


Irrespective of, if you have accepted said here or have rejected, I thank you for paying attention to  this New Word.