THE THIRD MILLENIUM PSY-TECHNOLOGIES                               

''PRINCIPLE OF CHRIST''                     
"SIGNS OF TIMES"                       

"Signs of times"




18.08.2003 Year not formally, and Century of Aquarius has actually entered the rights: the Christ was embodied in a radio (vital) body and as a result renders direct influence on mankind (through a radio or vital body). Ecsoteric symbolics of a corresponding sign on the zodiac also reflects characteristic processes and tendencies in a life of mankind: these are two vessels (or it is more abstract - two sources - h). The greater vessel (a body of the Christ) - on the left shoulder at the goddess, and from smaller, that at a belt from the right side (a body of Apostles or other pupils of the Christ, everything, « tasting a body of the Christ »), - is given vent the Life. Between these Vessels there is seldom seen even on the thin plan a connection therefore water of a life is given vent without the loss. In approximately 2000 mankind (as the complete organism) will reach a stage of "stay" (the term from the Bible, look the Gospel from Mathew 22, 30) in a body of the Christ. It inevitably for the Law (Plan) of the Creator is those, the Great Life which all of us as a group express is those.

I shall explain, why the accent is put on an arrangement of "Vessels" is made. The goddess in a symbol of a sign on the zodiac personifies Mother of the World at whom on the part of a back (and only so he happens it is seen) passes the S-shaped power channel, from the left shoulder to the right hip, consisting of 9 power spheres. Usually he is covered with a train of a dress. Therefore correctly represent « the goddess with vessels », a back worth to the spectator and with the head revolved to it. The Fold-train in a dress of the Indian women (sari) if to look from a back, also reflects and symbolizes this fact. It is curious, that at the Son of Mother of the World the same channel which is also going down from the left shoulder to the right hip, can be seen only from a face sheet. This channel - Gift of the Father and Mother, and to the Son. For this reason Moses saw the God only from a back - he looked at Mother of the World behind. The son needed to be seen only with arrival of the Christ, and display of the Son results in an opportunity of knowledge of the Father. Here is how about it it is spoken in the Gospel: « Seeing me saw the Father » (In 14,9). In this case it means, that saw to face as behind the Son looks as Mother.
On rice 7 it is shown full (esoteric) symbol Aquarius. The purpose is integration of many into one.

During epoch Aquarius the spiritual way is ___________________________________________________________________________

To be a source of a life for others




It would be possible to consider and symbolism (full esoteric and corresponding ecsoteric) next Century of Capricorn, but up to the end of a this Century he should be hidden, as it « the signature of the God ».

However, wishing to test itself have in all above-stated "key", and can try to do the similar analysis independently. Thus it is necessary to mean, that of Capricorn has conformity in an astral body of the person, staticizes sensitivity (both individual, and related, and group). A basis also is the symbol of the Solar Angel, and the formula can be submitted as « sensitivity - simpathy - inclusiveness ».