THE THIRD MILLENIUM PSY-TECHNOLOGIES                               

''PRINCIPLE OF CHRIST''                     
"SIGNS OF TIMES"                       

"Signs of times"




Birth of Moses has designated Century of Aries (the period from 4000 up to 2000 years ago, a symbol - ^). Plurality of Gods the previous epoch, now supported by various aspects of a material principle, as well as a material principle, became obstacles of the further development of the person and mankind as a whole. The same obstacle became the slavery! That only recently was a spiritual principle and was on an evolutionary branch of a life of the Earth, appeared now reactionary and involutional, did not ennoble spiritually, but became fall. The same relations became now a barrier, restriction which should be excluded from spiritual relations between people together with accompaning it plurality of Gods (idolatry). I emphasize once again, that the roots of plurality of Gods lie in patrimonial relations, in Patrimonial Carma, and « a pantheon of gods » - reflection of a principle of Force (property), the Lunar principle. Therefore in a Century of Aries the accent in struggle for a new line of spirituality was put on exception of worship patrimonial idols (gods). 

It is symbolically shown on fig. 3: the spiritual way now consists that from relations between persons exclude the Lunar principle, the TAURUS, and the formal human nature for the first time finds out the intrinsic generality. конецц

 However the specified process did not proceed in itself, but the Authority, Витальная Force demanded external influence which tool became the Person. Therefore full (эзотерический) the symbol of the given epoch includes the specified influence of imposed will of the powerful Person, as is reflected on fig. 4. The right variant of this figure even more эзотеричен as the imposed powerful will often remains hidden, bearing on a surface only "fragments" of cooperating forms - persons.

In a Century Овна spiritual way was

Submission to dictatorship

To the powerful Person (Teacher).

It is an epoch of Leaders, _______________________________________________________________________________

Indisputable Authority.


The century of Aries, and is epoch Moses, Nabuchodonosor, Cyrus the Great, Roman empire and other Great Masters, is marked in a history of mankind by such force influence of many Persons, changed destinies of many peoples which are sweeping away all patrimonial and proprietary obstacles, resulting to more and more close and with stressed strong-willed aspect to personal relations between the human units, bearing clearing of slavery (we marked, that the slavery is "birthmark" of an epoch of the TAURUS). Such processes corresponded to energy of zodiac sign of Aries, they conducted in those days on an evolutionary arch, defined spirituality (correctness) of relations. On the contrary, return to relations with the material intermediary (with this or that the property) now was regressive, corresponded involution to an arch of development of interhuman relations and consciousness of mankind, was in the sinful way, meant falling spirituality, degradation of the person.

If money as a basis of relations were fall during epoch of Moses especially such they were later, such remain and now. For example, the Christ brought to a focus that money (more) not the divine tool, in the following sayings: « … give ceasar's to ceasar, and God's to the God » (Mth. 22,21.) that the material riches are an obstacle, instead of help in spiritual growth: « … if you want to be perfect, go, sell your manor both distribute to beggars; also you will have treasure in heavens; come and follow me. Having heard a word it, the young man has departed with grief because he had big manor. Jesus has said to the pupils: truly I tell you, that difficultly rich enter in Kingdom of heaven; I and more speak you: more conveniently to a camel to pass through needle ears, rather than rich enter the God's Empire» (Mth. 19,21). It is possible to joke: rich difficultly enter in Kingdom of heaven, because "horns" (the Moon, a material principle) prevent. By the way, and Judas's crime had the stage of money as a step on a way to deeper falling. It is remarkable, what exactly he carried a box with donations from "tasting" the Christ.

Not to be understood falsy, it is necessary to explain: not money as such is angrily, not relations which element they are, and accent when money become between people when relations between persons are under construction on money when money put in personal relations and become their base. Look: Judas Iskariot was "bookkeeper" in the environment of pupils of the Christ, Neither they, nor their Teacher did not avoid monetary relations. However they for them were only means, reserve what are clothes, food and other. In this sense of food rather instructive and giving much for reflections the history which has happened in Capernaum is. « When they came in Capernaum collectors came to Peter and have said: whether your Teacher will give didrahm? He speaks: yes. And when he has come in the house Jesus, having warned him, has said: how it seems to you, Simon? Tsars terrestrial from whom take duties or gifts? Whether with sons the, or from strangers? Peter tells him: from strangers. Jesus has said to him: so sons are free; but, to not tempt them, go on the sea,  fling the hook, and the first fish who will get, take, and, having opened at her a mouth, you will find statier; take it and give them for me and for itself » (Mth.17,24). Here the main idea will be, that « sons are free » (meaning sons of the Father, those who « not from this world ») and do not require the material intermediary in relations among themselves. Those who « from this world », build the relations still via a material principle therefore they are not free! And consequently pay a tribute to the idol - to a Taurus. However here there is also the second important, often escaping from attention, an idea: to not tempt « the stray sheeps », it is necessary to simulate the standard relations, not subordinating them the soul! Look, that Jesus does: having money in public cash department about what Peter when spoke knew also, that the Teacher will give the donation, he involves a divine craft, doing by his intermediary, instead of money. To be content with that, that is given, using money not as the property to which it is adhered, but as foreign means, remaining free. « The god has given, the god has taken » and any regrets. Or « ceasar's to Ceasar », and « Sons are free ».

Uninitiated in essence of a subject of the property surprises, how, for example, the Christ easily sees spiritual sight, that the person is adhered to her. Here it was already spoken that the property is a part of the Body of Desires (an astral body) mankinds. It is a lot of property - the big Body, and (as a cargo) "adheres" the person to the lowest levels of an astral, it does not start up the person in "Paradise" which is refined and his cleanest level.

As soon as in relations of people, the organizations or peoples put money (the generalized symbol of a material or Lunar principle) then in sincere relations there is a crack and persons (egoism) leave on the foreground. It already a first step involution, falling. In the Bible many places of the book "Outcome" are devoted to a subject of struggle against « the Gold Taurus » also. Especially in chapter{head} » 32 »: « … But Aaron has said to [Moses]: yes the anger of my mister will not flare up; you know this people, that he violent. They have said to me: make to us the god who would go before us; for with Moses, with this person who has deduced us from the ground Egyptian, we do not know, that has become. And I have said him{it}: who has gold, remove from itself. Also have given me; I have thrown it in fire, and this has left Taurus » (ref. 32,22-24). And strong-willed decision of Moses to withdraw from people subjects of the property "to release" them thus: « … People, having heard a terrible word it, sobbed, and nobody has assigned to itself of the ornaments … Sons of Israelite have removed from itself the ornaments at mountain Horivy » (ref. 33,4-6).

Apparently from pic.3 Moses personifying the Aries and in epoch mode "grazing" peoples, has prepared "ground" (jumping-off place) for realization of the following stage of development of mankind: the formal nature of set of people was pulled together and in many respects has reached crystallization, became ready to a break and display in relations between people of aspect of Soul. And, as the great thinker and yogas Sri Aurobindo emphasized, the achievement becoming possible even for one person, becomes Way for all mankind.

The year cycle of the Zodiac which as a whole has passed in an atmosphere of Lords of Forms has ended with epoch of Aries and has reached in Aries the culmination. To this the certificate - the miracles shown by Moses. End of the given cycle became a mystical spoilage between mankind and Lords of Forms: the mankind has found the status as a whole collective Lords of Forms. All subsequent 2000-years history has very evidently shown creative potentialities such « a spoilage in heavens »: the shape of a planet was reserved, having filled with completely new forms created by mankind, by quantity comparable to creations of natural Lords. Sometimes presently it is possible to read or hear statements, that "miracles" of Moses can be repeated, when you possess the certain knowledge. So! And it became possible due to the above mentioned Mystical Spoilage, the new status of mankind as a whole and its oustanding units in particular. So, with the ending of Century of Aries Zodiac year of Lords of Forms has ended and began Zodiac year of the Christ.