THE THIRD MILLENIUM PSY-TECHNOLOGIES                               

''PRINCIPLE OF CHRIST''                     
"SIGNS OF TIMES"                       

"Signs of times"




Result of the Century of Twins became actualization of personal relations between human units. However such relations still demanded the intermediary as whom the material principle (ecsoteric an astrological symbol of the Century of a Taurus - _, the covered period - from 6000 up to 4000 years ago, or in habitual dating - IV-III millenia up to AD) now has acted. A situation here the same: the solar system was included in space of other Life of the universe, here others of the energy which has caused changes of relations between its fineer parts.

If to turn the look on well-known historic facts, it is possible to find out, what exactly during this period (IV-III millenia up to AD) was widely distributed commodity manufacture and the trade connected to it. Development of mankind went through attraction and inclusion in interpatrimonial relations of the material intermediary: the goods, money, the property. People began to estimate each other on presence of this components which size moved all over again separate people, and later and in weights, promoted expansion and a deepening of group and personal relations. Becoming of the person, its allocation from a sort, occured through attraction of alien weight: in structure of a sort the person was a part of weight, but through attraction of weight of other nature (the property - « weight of other nature », than the person) he was separated, became the separate primitive person.

Here it is necessary to give the explanatory of the nature of the property as phenomena: its nature - Desire. Moreover, it actually a particle of the Body of Desires of the mankind, differently still named astral, emotional, Vital.Therefore everything, that is created by mankind and divided as the property - there is a saved up Desire. That day when the mankind will be released{exempted} from the obsession by Desire as in a moment this Illusory World of Desires will disappear.

The majority of modern scientists the most ancient civilization on the Earth count Sumer, arisen in Entre Rios (between the rivers the Tiger and Euphrates). Tribes have lodged in IV millenium up to AD in a southern part of Entre Rios sumers. They have based here cities and have created the state system. All this was reflection (consequence{investigation}) of the above-stated zodiac influences. At this particular time deities, former earlier (in a Century of Twins) patrimonial, find the status national. Gods, as well as people - proprietors, "are built" on a rank (on shown them to Force), everywhere there are « pantheons of gods ». It is necessary to note, that the nature of these gods - idols was vital (the astral plan) therefore their inhabitancy were Forces which they represented and expressed. With one of such Forces, designated as "somebody" (Force of the God Uniform), struggled Jacob when has received a name Israel (see ch.32 Book "Life"). These gods whom anybody is others as Lords of Forms, now still are called "spontaneous" (from a word "elements"). To them till now address (with submission and worship - in what their trouble!) fortunetellers, sorcerers and other representatives involutional waves. _______________________________________________________________________________




During the same period - on boundary IV-III of millenia A.D. - the Egyptian state was formed. Causality here was the same therefore « the pantheon of gods » also is very quickly formed from among former before patrimonial deities (totems). In both resulted examples, as well as in others which we here do not concern, in quality of " weight of the property » acted as well the person - slave. Energy of a Taurus were the latent sense and the engine of slavery! Also there was this phenomenon progressive, spiritual! Pay attention to a difference: in a Century of Twins captivated outofnation if them did not kill, became members of a sort, merged with weight, becoming its part, maintaining patrimonial relations, and in a Century of a Taurus the same sort breaks off the same human element on a part as creates and strengthens relations of proprietors! Therefore slavery did not only prospered everywhere , but became the important and inevitable mark in a history of development of a human civilization. Thjis is an element of the Great Life of the Century of a Taurus in which the solar system has been shipped on 2000.

 Symbolically relations of the given epoch are shown on fig. 2: the circle is the Solar Angel sharpened in a physical body (form - circle); the Moon is material (lunar, reflected) a principle acting as the intermediary in dialogue of persons. In the resulted example the Moon attached only to one of Solar Angels, to the one who is its carrier who has involved in itself this mediating principle, that reflects only basic variant of similar relations(the relation such as « the person - the property »). In a reality there were also relations when interaction passed through two "intermediaries": these are relations such as "property - property" or as would say now - "goods - goods" or "money - money". Apparently from figure, the epoch completely reflected symbolism of the sign on the Zodiac - "TAURUS" (or "heliofaced" the sacred cow with a half moon in a head in ancientegypt and aryan beliefs). I want to emphasize once again, what is it gave to similar relations the special pulse corresponded to an evolutionary arch in development of consciousness of the person, to its progress.

In a Century of a Taurus material relations,

As well as slavery, _______________________________________________________________________________

Were extremely correct (spiritual!)


Accordingly, the relations constructed on patrimonial connections, now (with the beginning of the Century of a Taurus and further in an escalating degree in the future) steel an increasing obstacle as went on involutional an arch. The last connections have remained only as experience, ancient habits, as the memory pulling back and excluding from the present, heaping up barrier in the future embodiments (so-called carma problems). Not a new idea, it is possible to meet it in some books.

Let's specify, what means to proceed to an involutional arch of a life. The person even from the brief material experience has learnt, that any life is a development (evolution), changing nevertheless fading (involution, disintegration). Processes of change of one on another are caused by achievement of best of possible self-expression. For demonstration (manifestation) of this maximum ability, this first-rate quality there are all forms of the shown (material) world. And when such quality is shown, development (evolution) stops, the form "stiffens" (for this moment there is a special term - crystallization) and starts to die away (to decay). Transition from one zodiac influence in another marks such point of achievement of the specific form of a life of solar system, and together with her - planets the Earth and mankinds. Whether energy of the previous zodiac will influence mankind? Certainly, and the person will respond on them more willingly as it is comprehended, is lived, makes an integral part of his consciousness. (All this is equal, that to the modern person to address to the multiplication table as to exhaustive true. However, what you will say, if the adult person will emphasize in every possible way such knowledge? You, for certain, will say, that he has remained the child, has lagged behind in development...) Such reactions now become a brake, an obstacle, reflect degradation, distract from new, increasing, other to expression  and other more high quality consciousness and interhuman relations. The new Life punches to itself road, and former experience doubts and brakes: as all this to familiarly modern person! (On last pages of research we shall consider this question more widely and deeply.)

Both one cycle is replaced by another, and the ascending branch is replaced descending. It is consequence of the law of cyclicity. It is fair for any vital displays, and that shows angrily, that has everywhere filled a life of people. Attempt to follow a former way at change of polarity inside a cycle - that real evil, which roots in inertness, in attachment to already achieved. If to follow only evolutionary direction it is necessary to pass from one « Wheels of the Life » to another. The mankind is striving for progress, on evolution therefore and nowadays everything constructed on related or clan relations, deletes from the Christ, is WRONG relations inside mankind. And this circumstance became the reason of occurrence of words in the New testament: « … I have come to divide the person with the father of his, and the daughter with mother of hers, and daughter-in-law with the mother-in-law of hers. And enemies to the person are domestic of his. Who likes the father or mother more, rather than me, is not worhty of me; and who likes the son or the daughter more, rather than me is not worthy of me … » (Mf.10,35-37). The essence of these words is opened in the following dialogue: « Still another has said: I shall go for you, but before let me to be excused to domestic of mine. But Jesus has said to him: anybody who are assigned the hand on a plough and looking around back, is not reliable for God's realm » (Luka 9, 62). Actually about this epoch it is spoken also in the book "Life" (the Life, chapter 25-50) where struggle inside a sort with new relations of proprietors is originally shown. Jacob wants to leave, having taken away (the wife, children and the property), but father-in-law by all dodges removes this event, secretly hoping, that all by itself (and with the help of patrimonial gods) will be settled. Eventually, Jacob takes a decision: « Both has risen Jacob, and has cherished children and the wives on camels, and has taken with itself all cattle and all riches, which the cattle has got, own it, which he has got in Mesopotamia to go to Isaak, to the father, in the ground Hanaanskuju. And as Lavan has gone to cut the cattle Rahil has stolen idols who were at the father of hera. Jacob has stolen heart of Lavan's Armeianin because has not notified him that he was going to leave » (the Life. 31,19-20). Pay attention: Lavan  is anxious with the property too that allows Rahil the primitive person not being still as has no personal property, « to steal idols », that « abduction of heart » by Jacob - to break of patrimonial relations was equal to deprivation of her sort of protection of the gods, and the property became the reason of destruction of a sort as systems of relations, and also has weakened carmic dependence of people on Lords of Forms (named now more often idols that is too rough and primitive, does not reflect real relations between mankind and them).

There are still such words in the New testament: « … the harvest is death of a century, and reapers essence Angels » (Mth.13,39). And though in a context of the Gospel the question is a Century of Fishes, these words are fair for all "Centuries" on the Zodiac: every Century in the end demands the harvest as is correct also that in the beginning, in the first years of the cycle, he "sows" the especial seeds.

  In a Century of a Taurus began destruction of a patrimonial tree. Not that estimate to formal attributes, on names of died parents, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, and that connects souls of embodied people and which remains more often till now invisible to human mind. Till a Century of a Taurus reincarnating souls were embodied exclusively in the sort and then the formal patrimonial tree coincided with true. This circumstance made patrimonial gods by the most significant for them (connected people and vital gods by carma). And for this reason The carm of family was in those days determining and exclusively those in evolution of peoples. But, since an epoch of a Taurus as it was already marked, the situation began to change. No, the carma of family was still determining, but has already lost exclusiveness owing to inclusion in it of relations more and more wide, interpatrimonial and international. In the following, the Century of Fishes, this process should (and it has taken place) to develop so, that Patrimonial Carma could not apply any more and for a role determining, but only corresponding requirement of realization of a plan reincarnating souls.

Many (alas!) believe, that from those old times nothing has changed, that the Life has fixed the Laws that is necessary to restore whether « pantheons of gods », whether ancient "traditions", but it is not harmless error, and resulting those who believed this to sufferings. More precisely not only the error is an awakening and nostalgic (tamasic, inert) influence of former experience of the soul, concerning by times of an epoch of Twins. In fact always it seems easier to restore that has been finished with perfection, than « to lift a virgin soil », to turn out in sweat of the person and in suffering the new experience rejecting (higher quality) former.