THE THIRD MILLENIUM PSY-TECHNOLOGIES                               

Or Secret of a Philosophical Rock                
part 1               
''FIVE STREAMS TO ONE''                



"TUESDA" exists simultaneously and in quality of selfbeing, and as the denying. It occurs through immensly small and immensly dense, which immensly large and immensly leaky in material (three-dimensional) space - time BREAKS OFF it(or, may be, him) on a part! That is, that we perceive as FIRM substance, actually - part immensly leaky at space - time separating a parts immensly small and immensly dense NON-MATERIAL /otherwise, OTHER, more then three, measurement of space! As in immensly small space - time, as immensly large, DEGENERATES, it already DOES NOT DIVIDEUNIFORM on a part, i.e. in immensly small - "TUESDA"!!! The circuit 2 - circuit - is rather rather conditional! / of many-dimensonal world, so conditionally, as far as on a plane in general it is possible to show regularity MORE than TWO! As approaching immensly - small part - particle /, we shall name it "ISP", the influence /obstacle/ of space - time decreases, and the closer, the less contradictions, the closer to "TUESDA" , that is shown through UNUSUAL and WONDERFUL displays of cumulative parts "ISP"! That is, from SOME very - very small size the space - time BECOMES COMMENSURABLE small with degenerated by other regularities. Differently: to "TUESDA" it is possible to come through the sanction of ALL contradictions, pile up by space - time, through IMMESUREBILITY of SPACE, and it is possible - through the sanction SO MUCH of the contradictions, but in very, very - very and immensly small, that is represented much more convenient and perspective... Concerning the circuit 2 the objection IS LOGICAL, that immensly small HAS NOT precise border, since. ALWAYS it is possible to specify size STILL SMALLER! However, that it TO SPECIFY, is necessary IS TO OVERCOME by space - time on border of its degeneration!!! * In space - time immensly small is NOT CONCRETE, and VARIED size: for this purpose the space - time also is created immensly large, just with hypertrophy of the sizes of it and is connected, in the CONTRADICTION immensly small! For figurativeness and greater presentation it is possible to carry out and another, auxiliary, research.


* Further we shall find out, that space - UNCERTAINTY, and time - definiteness. At degeneration of space in the increasing degree the definiteness is shown, reaching(achieving) in itself "ISP" by some fantasmagoric of size.

Imagine, that in three-dimensional space one dimension degenerates up to infinitesimal sizes. In result we receive a PLANE as degenerated three-dimensional space. If now other dimension too degenerates, we receive a LINE - infinite set of points. If the dimension last degenerates, we shall receive a POINT, infinitesimal three-dimensional space. Now let's go in the opposite direction. If on a plane we want to find third dimension, which PLANE SHOULD NOT have, it is necessary to search for it in infinitesimal to a point, otherwise two are necessary TO REDUCE available up to commensurable sizes. If on a line we want to find two, and in a point - three missing dimensions, again are necessary to search in infinitesimal for dimensions of EXISTING space! If we want in space - time to find OTHER regularities, to search, again it is necessary in an immensly small point of EXISTING space - time, and that it IS CONCRETE - century back has proved A.Einshtein! I once again underline: EXISTING, since in it is a CODE of "SIZE" and immensly - large, and immensly - small! Yes, we count, we accept ours installed for immensly large, but... We estimate its radius - radius of radio of the world AT THIS O'CLOCK in dm! If it is speed(*faster) we can estimate immensly large, we have the right to do, and with immensly small. For example, at a level installed the miracle is shown in the man, otherwise 1dm / brain of the man/, otherwise, with SCALE installed the man is at a level immensly small. And, pay attention, concerning us installed EXTENDS, that from scale of the universe is equivalent to reduction immensly small! Let's now estimate from scale of the MAN, his brain, order immensly of small part /particular/:

RISP=1dm:1027=10-27dm **

Is asked, how can in three-dimensional space - time to be shown that on a nature has OTHER regularity, otherwise something OUTSIDE OF this space? As a POINT, immensly small, SLIPED AWAY!

It also occurs: our space - time - "EMPTY", immensly leaky, that we apprehend as a matter, is OUTSIDE OF ours three-dimensional space of the world, ABROAD immensly small! Splitting atoms and their parts in hope to find FIRST-BORN PARTICLE, each time we find "EMPTINESS", and first-bor matter slips out from us /luring deeper and deeper??? / in immensly small!...

Naturally, the closer we come nearer to the APPRECIATED distance 10-27 dm, the closer to slipping out from us many-dimensional OBJECT - word "space" here as is inappropriate! , the we are more WONDERFUL displays at each new level WE FIND OUT!!!


** Later we shall come to other importance of this size, but with preservation of a principle.
