THE THIRD MILLENIUM PSY-TECHNOLOGIES                               

Or Secret of a Philosophical Rock                
part 2               
FROM "ADAM" UP TO ... "ADAM"                


    The above described events - outcome of direct, direct effect of "front" and bound with it of SEAL of space. However, it yet of test, that expect the Earth! After pass of "front" through our solar system, we "suddenly"

    Let's find out " NEW INSTALLED ", which one so unexpectedly will rush into ours uplived and cosy, "understandable" "aged" installed! But TO APPEAR this new installed will be step-by-step, in process of promoting "front" to center installed, i.e., leaving "front" reserves tracks by the way of interactions with objects, known for us, installed, however itself leaves from us about speed ", close to speed of light, because of what the disturbance, generated by him, will call radiation, which one will be accepted by us by a STRANGE image!

    See at the scheme 8: gear of derivation of a SPACE RAINBOW here is seen. Each particle of "front", moving with a relativistic velocity, creating a MOMENTUM by the way seals of space, excites this space, that results in a quantum emission of “PS”, which one in space with new density appear REDUNDANT and can exist only by the way of driving quanta. The relativistic velocity of motion of "front" results in huge red displacement of radiation, received on the Earth. By beginning with a bright BURST OF RADIATION ON a FLOOR of a SIDEREAL WORLD, the glow very fast passes in circle iridescent, which one on MILLIONS YEARS becomes an integral part of a sidereal palate, center INDICATING a direction to center installed! How to not compare this space rainbow with... By an eye Devil, which one - WILL IEGOVA is blowed in an abyss of space, but, entrained away, as though gazes at us, as though speaking, that he is held down by WILL, but is not obedient yet and... Will return! Through millions years will begin to have an effect curvature of an orb of "front" and glow slowly will decrease in the sizes.

    The emission power depends on density of space, excited by "front", therefore in process of pass of a solar system and deleting from it radiation intensity of the Earth will drop, and per the first day - will be greatest. But let's return to a problem on for what time before passing "front" there will be a radiation, prior to him?

    For me is more, than enough of basis to believe M. Nostradamus, which one asserts, that most terrible will be THREE NIGHT! I.e., it will happen at arrangement of the Earth between the Sun and peripherals installed: -.. Burning the radiation will be dangerous in night time, and in the day time people with itself our planet will cover, that we could have a rest... Under fever of the Sun... And so - THREE NIGHT... Apparently, in fourth or "front" will pass through the Earth, and together with it - a clot of radiation, or smoke and cloud cover from EVAPORATION of OCEANS will cover a planet.

    Let's ESTIMATE these three night in relation to duration of a stage of contraction. Earlier I resulted the formula /18/ of which one the hardware ~ of 1010 follows, that! Three day is about 10-2 years. Then the speed of "front" is less than speed of light only on 10-12 part!

    During "point" the radiation originated by "front" and driving BEFORE it, WAS STORED!!! And this glowing during BILLIONS of YEARS the radiation WILL FALL upon the Earth cloth of energy within 5 day!!! Whether will blow off this flow atmosphere???

    If to look at the scheme 8, will become understandable, that of polar ices WILL NOT BECOME: from DIRECT monstrous irradiation temperature on poles will mount up to temperature of equatorial areas, the ices will melt literally on eyes!!! It WILL REMOVE with " the agenda ” a problem of change of rotation axis of the upper cortex of a terrestrial Globe, since up to the approach of "front" two "weights" on the earth gyro will thaw... But return we shall receive other: the waters on a shallow water will be heated so, that of the slave, will be half welded! A plus local fires. All this - presage of FAMINE... If you the further events - interest read once again narration about a biblical deluge...

    However, the consequences of a PRECISE oracle can extend TOO (i.e., IS UNALLOWABLE) far! Therefore we shall keep sad earth events: we still have LEISURE to consider business space, namely, what will happen with "front" further? What less precise, but more long-term future?

    Being concentrated and coming nearer to center, more and more "front" exhibits twist, i.e., HIS any particle will not get in center, and, having twirled, by bending center, again will direct away from him! And, as this phenomenon SPHERICAL, "front" by the way again will begin orbs, went up to some distance from center installed to extend, moving to peripherals, including - to the Earth! It can be compared to motion of the diaphragm in the camera, shown in three-dimensional version. Such process will take billions of years, so that we with you shall watch only beginning of compression process and deleting of "front" at that very much slowly. For a long time set of my maids will appear on a background " of a space rainbow ", and on peripherals installed we shall begin to watch "birth" of new stars, though actually they existed already long ago and "is born" already in solid age! They however will become visible only after passing "front"! It will not be similar birth of stars in customary to us a kind: The stars will occur BODILY as though from non-existence… And to move they will be too with relativistic velocities, but not from us, and to us!!! It is a NIGHTMARE for everything, that will meet by him on paths, even simply will appear at hand!.. And to see we them we shall be also STRANGE: at first with incredibly large blue displacement, which one will quickly decrease, and after passing some of a conditional orb circumscribed in distance from center installed up to solar system, passing in rising red! The blue dwarfs are known for the astronomers, and how about VIOLET and BLUE, but slowly " blushing " of the GIANTS?!