«We should recognise also, that there is a danger in dogmas and the restricted facts resulted in textbooks whereas flexibility and bias of a corner of vision supply safety» (A.A.Bejli, «Initiations human and solar», 5).

                                            «… people will perish, if do not have vision»       

(A.A.Bejli, «Externalization of the Hierarchy», 551/552).





The previous epoch of Pisces showed to mankind the Christ. Simultaneously with it the negative force which countered this appearance has been shown in all power: a Satan. In connection with Christ in a past Blepharon often mentioned also its antipode – antichrist[1]       

However the nature of this negative appearance remains till now in many respects mysterious, inexplicable. At the same time esoterics should explore the nature of forces and energies, whether it be positive or negative developments. Only such approach will allow to perceive those changes that have already started to happen in mankind life, to think and be advanced in the correct direction.

Here some up-to-date global tendencies:

·         On change to the bipolar world the multipolar comes;

·         The "third" world, more and more influencing on chang of aircraft attitude of all mankind is activated;

·         Despite mastering by split of atom and a process engineering of its nonpredatory use, the energy problem becomes aggravated;

·         Value of communications grows in a geometrical progression, connection and transport systems;

·         Exit of process engineerings on miniaturization levels behind which the substance as the shape "disappears".

Isoterics , including pupils of School, can add this enumeration with those tendencies that transit at level of consciousness of mankind.

In the previous heads «Bowl of Graal» and «the Gear, or conductors, souls» it has been shown, that the Century of the Aquarius is related to a deployment through mankind (as a whole) the fourth dedication. Certainly, this dedication exists many thousand years, it was reached by hundreds representatives of mankind. It so, but this dedication during each epoch was opened in a new fashion[2]. That fact here means, that in a Century of the Aries the fourth dedication was «Ascension dedication on Mountain». For the Buddha, Krishna, Shankarachari and others the Everest (Jamalungma) was a figure of such Mountain. For Moses and its followers – Horiva.

That title that is known under A.A.Bejli's books – «Retracting initiations», - the fourth dedication has gained in a Century of Pisces. The deployment of new quality of the given stage of dilating of consciousness which has been related to energy of Pisces became the parent to it. Jesus Christ, after it – St. Apostle Paul became its most known spokesman. In the Aries the given dedication was a limit for representatives of mankind therefore it was represented in consciousness devoted by "world vertex». In Pisces the Christ has unclosed to mankind of the fifth both sixth dedication, and the fourth more was not reaching "vertex".

Explanations of a title "Retracting" a little. D.K. Has given that has been taped by energy of Pisces: «the Retracting calling the crucifixion…» («New appearance of the Christ», 704), «…a spiritual skew field … disappears, and the consciousness hairline occult is rejected…» (s.p., 710). Thus devoted «… feels lost and is ready to exclaim – as Teacher Jesus –« My God! My God! For what You have abandoned Me?»» (s.p., 695). The short of these expressions is hidden in words: «Inexpressible the beauty of interpreting of this dedication and the award of those who tries to investigate into its true sense and value … soul dies for everything, that is material and physical …» (s.p., 700).

 Coming energies of the Aquarius which also are related to the fourth dedication[3], have highlighted deeper sense of those processes that has been hidden behind a title "retracting", and also have spotted its new aspect, or divine Idea to that the given examination is devoted. However before we will improve, looking back back from positions of the Aquarius that represented the fourth dedication in a Century of the Aries and Eyelids of Pisces.

When in the Aries the devoted ascended on «ascension mountain», it uplifted, or raised, the material aspect. It, according to the Christ, symbolical «rise of a dragon in desert Ìîèñååì». Then for a clarification and a substance prominence resources of the Holy Spirit, or Spirit of True, the third aspect of the Trinity were used. However on termination of mission Ìîèñåé has been forced to recognise, that, despite great successes, victories, or spirit and substance unifications, to reach it was not possible.

When in Pisces the Christ has come, it has unclosed to mankind the second divine aspect – the Son, - which force – magnetism of love - has applied to the further prominence of a substance. Effect was that the Son Human has been raised, and to mankind the levels of consciousness corresponding fifth and sixth ïîñâÿùåíèÿì have opened. However on termination of the mission Jesus has been forced to recognise, that it is not enough coherent forces of the Son of the God and Holy Spirit for the full victory over inertness of a substance. The road to the fifth dedication and has been unclosed further, but only by "retracting". The price, actually, is very high, as the Son Whom effect of synthesis is, or mystical reject of the Father and Mother Which path to unity is, at the fourth dedication Itself renounces this unity. It not retracting generally, and retracting as a tactical concession, as the account of repetition of all processes. As a result all who followed It throughout all Century of Pisces, iterated this retracting, and in two versions: at first as retracting from the Christ and, later, as retracting from a substance. It was inevitable necessity, only so representatives of mankind could overcome «ascension mountain» and enter in spiritual limits of the God. But it became for everything, since Jesus, that Cross on which they crucified themselves. That is the Crucifixion cross is a retracting from a substance as divine aspect, this partitioning in Itself. Including for the Christ. This partitioning is caused by preference of spiritual aspect to the material

If concerning Jesus the told is shown you not argued enough, look that happened to Apostle Paul on the eve of its fourth dedication. Here its characteristic comment: «And that I was not extolled ÷ðåçâû÷àéíîñòüþ revelations, the sting in a flesh is given me, the angel of a Satan to depress me that I was not extolled. I triply asked Lord about that has removed it from me. But has told to me:« it is enough for you My good fortune for force Washing is made in an infirmity». Formally it is a question of illness – about periodically happening epilepsy. It however has gained it as a result of several «drowning», and during one of them Paul has conducted under water about one days. It is analogy «drowning» Ions which Jesus compared to the future «suffocation by the earth», or «suffocation by a substance»[4]

In connection with told concerning the Christ it is required to make still some improvements. They concern the most evangelical history and its explanation[5]. That has escaped human eyes and human mind at the beginning of the century of Pisces more low is offered to attention.






[1] In Russian its other name is used: «antihrist». It bears in itself a major emotional charge of which it is necessary to be discharged. Therefore in the given examination other name underlining the mental ration to the given problem is used: "anti-hristos".

[2] «New light, therefore their value is shed old and well-known trues is unusual varies, and in this modification the plan and the Deity purpose find absolutely new sense» (A.A.B.  «UNB II», 257).


[3] «Now, when there sets in a new epoch, the symbolics of the fourth dedication» (À.À.B. "Rays and Initiations", 664).

[4] Ion has conducted three days and three nights «in a skew field of a whale». Jesus the same time – «in earth heart».

[5] Everything, that will be told thereupon, gained from the Celestial Book «the Stumbling-block, the Bowl and Reign of the Christ».