The offered product is a transforming filter for energies which enter from the Planet Information Realm into information field of any user of computer and Internet. Our experience shows that negative energies, due to overlaying archetype rhythm, are held and burnt, and positive ones are strengthened, producing a positive effect on mental well-being and intellectual potential of the user. As a matter of fact this provides protection from destructive effects of Chaos, filling presently the mental realm.
   Space researches had confirmed the old truth that vitality and efficiency of human being depends greatly on diurnal rhythm. In space natural relationships with this rhythm are lost, so spacemen have to maintain it artificially. The same problem exists for those living for a long time underground or underwater. However, in addition to circadian rhythms there exist also others, still more important for human being; and nowadays natural relationships with them are upset, too. This problem is aggravated by the fact that the energy of Aquarius become more and more active, adding its inherent rhythms, which human nature only learns to react to.
   The PRODUCT offered to User, expressed in energies of Age of Aries, represents the "Lord my Banner", Moses being its first User (see for details the book "Principle of Christ, chapter "the Lord is my Banner". This is as well the Altar of Moses, on which the negative energy of every kind is to be sacrificed. This is as well a bridge raised between the human and the Master. This is as well a stone that Moses used as a support for descending Force of the Lord. As it was mentioned earlier, this Altar, this Bridge, this Stone, this Banner was rendered to the authors of this project on 02/07/2004 for the use.
   The same way as in the Age of Moses the Altar were built with physical stones, in the Age of Pisces with "stones of passion", nowadays it is built with stones of mental level. Besides we offer to any person mature enough to work at a mental level, to join us and participate in the project without any special training for your part. Here we are guided by advice given already to Moses: "If you make me an altar of stone, you shall not build it of hewn stones, for if you wield your tool on it you profane it".
We admit in the PROJECT all people as is, as you are, since namely such ones, "natural" ones you are needed in the project. During six days user chooses a cell randomly and on Saturday the most used "seven-bit units" are filled up purposefully and "sealed" up.
   In the period from 02/07/2004 till now the Altar-Bridge has been activated as an archetype. It consists of cells, or "stones", representing initially empty shells. We propose you to choose one or more such shells which need to be animated, or endowed with energy. "Stones", used within the Project, are non-recurrently saturated by energy of user through paying in a settled amount. The higher is the level, the fewer is a number of "stones" laid, and the more dense saturation of them with energy occurs. In appearance such saturation seems to be an "entrance fee", or a charge for a "cell", for hosting on our site, but psychologically it serves as a threshold of preparedness for the respective level.
   The above-mentioned transformation of the Banner is bound up with the fact, that energies of the Age of Pisces reflect "Door", of "Disruption of the Veil", that "Veil" being the "Ancestral traditions" or pure energies of the Age of Aries. At the start of the Project we are using, intentionally and deliberately, these energies as something given, as a support in realization of motion (at present at a mental level), but within two next years we shall gradually prepare for higher aspects of energies of the "Lord our Banner". Later the transformation will bring user to the perception of energies of the Age of Pisces manifesting the "City by quadrangle" or a New Jerusalem. The secret of the "knot of Elohim"1 for the time being (till 2015) are concealing the energies of the Age of Aquarius from the user.
   Within the period of transition from energies of Aries to energies of Aquarium a "three-day action" will be carried out symbolizing destruction of the "Temple of Solomon" and construction of a new one: "And he told those who sold the pigeons, "Take these things away; do not make my Father's house a house of trade: So the Jews said to him: What sign do you show us for doing these things? Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." (John, 2:16-20).
That "three-day action" is presented in all four gospels, additionally through the fact that they themselves - Gospels - are this three-day action: all four Gospels describe three "rotations of consciousness", or three transformations. The first one: Sermon on the Mount turning from Laws of Moses to emphasis on the Love. The second one: shift from physical filiation to spiritual one ("And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers!" Matthew 12:49). The third one: emphasis on the spiritual will (the sermon in the garden of Gethsemane: "Thy will be done, not mine"). These three stages are shown in the flash-animation "Rotation of the Bridge by Christ". It is worth to note that the Christianity "has held up" or "has fallen asleep" on the second emphasis, and the third rotation they are just to complete in the Age of Aquarius (in the home of a water-carrier, by the text of Gospels, since in the garden of Gethsemane the Christianity had fallen asleep, as it was described, or foreseen, in Gospels, "put three Feast of Booths" and "fell asleep")2 .
                                                                           Figure 2
   One question is asked frequently: why the foreseen transformation has such a long cycle? Nowadays many people offer to resolve such problems in a shorter time, which undoubtedly appears to be more attractive. But this impression is wrong, even illusory. The matter is this power, or vital force that is brought about by means of cyclic activity: the more the cycle is prolonged, the more power, the more comprehensive results it bring about. Exactly from this law the Archimedean physical principle about lever is derived. "Give me a point of support, and I turn over the World" - he said (see Figure 2). In cycles of different duration the dependence is the same, and in every case the "point of support" is needed, the role of which the preceding achievement plays, or the preceding approximation to the spiritual center. The power, or vital force, that is manifesting by realization of this project (and to the beginning of 2008 it has been going already for 3.5 years!) is not to be achieved in any different way.
   The transformation occurs each new moon, affecting primarily energies of Aries, which we start with. So the "Lord my Banner" from the square (symbol of the current human) under the influence of energies of Aries is gradually transforming into the diamond3 , or two joint triangles, and user of the PRODUCT enters into a process of uninterrupted tuning or adaptation to changing rhythms of Life. This transformation is embedded in a symbol reflected through a special program on the desk of user's computer, which gives him through the visual perception, like a tuning-fork, the requested (positive) mental, emotional and vital tone. The effects of this trick may be conventionally compared with the "25th shot effect", with this essential difference that in our case user is well informed about it and makes use of it deliberately and of its free will.
   The project represents a symbolic or mental Altar. In Moses's times, before the Christ adventure, the entrance to the Temple was chargeable (remember the incident with Peter and Christ by the Temple entrance in Capernaum), and, since we attract energies of Aries, the PRODUCT may be got, at this stage (up to 2010), as it were by fee (pecuniary sacrifice, point of support for repulsion and further advancing motion) for entrance in the present project or without it (in which case one must sacrifice his (her) time and mental efforts without entering in the project).
Referring to aforesaid, money is a dense energy, with which user fills up the "stone" he (her) lays in the Altar under construction. User makes the choice on his (her) own, accordingly to his (her) preferences. At that is not to be forgotten that the second way is longer and more difficult, however the result will be more valuable, as been received independently. The first way is easier (it involves natural energies of the planet life). The entrance into the rhythm of the PRODUCT takes place within seven days and is limited by the project itself and by the period of its realization (up to 2026).

       (1) Refer to the "Book of Jove", 38:31.
       (2) Refer to chapters "Garden of Gethsemane" (Chapter IV.4) and "Ascent of a mountain " (Chapter V.5) in the book "Fire doors" (library of the site) for details.
       (3) This transformation prepares the square to the following: to reorganization of the square to the triangle. The square is a poor conductor of energies, the triangle - a good one. That is why such substitute improves dramatically the connection between spiritual and physical worlds.